Szabi – CodeRevolution

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  • in reply to: Regarding Images or video creation #783

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


    I already provided a download link to the updated plugin to your email address, please check.


  • in reply to: Regarding Images or video creation #781

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779

    Well, I am sorry, but customized plugins are not covered by the default support for the plugin. If you wish, I can help you as a payed service. In this case, please send me the customized plugin zip by email to and I will check it.


  • in reply to: Regarding Images or video creation #779

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779

    I am sorry, but I don’t understand why you need the same old version of the plugin. Can you explain this, please?

  • in reply to: Regarding Images or video creation #777

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779
    I checked your site and saw that you are using an older version of the plugin. I tried to update it to the latest version from my development, but I am not able to do so, I think my user does not have permission for this.
    I sent a download link to the latest version of the plugin by email. Please install it on your site.
    Let me know if it worked with this version.
    Szabi – CodeRevolution.
  • in reply to: Regarding Images or video creation #774

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


    Please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out. Send it, please, to my email address:

    Also, please let me know how you tested the plugin, and how it did not work for you.

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Icarus Redirection Issues #772

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    I tried to reproduce the issue you encountered, by following the steps you described, but for me, redirection in the plugin worked. Because of this, I think that the issue you found is somehow related to your current website settings like your current theme or other plugins that are active on your blog.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Help me with CRON feed #771

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


  • in reply to: Can’t register the purchase code and upload videos to youtube #768

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779
    I checked and your hosting is also blocking access to this URL:
    This is used to get video information for uploaded videos, and if this is blocked from your server’s part, upload will not work.
    Please let you hosting company’s support know also of this URL.
    Szabi – CodeRevolution.
  • in reply to: Can’t register the purchase code and upload videos to youtube #766

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779
    I checked the plugins on your site and it seems that a server configuration is blocking access to my update server.
    The error message can be seen here:
    Error: An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
    This basically means that your hosting company is blocking requests to my servers (where the purchase code verification is located).
    So you will need to contact your hosting support team and ask them to disable mod_security (or at least the mod_security module that is blocking access to my server).
    Unfortunately, there is no other way around this issue and nothing can be done by the plugin, because the access is blocked by your server.
    Please mention to your hosting provider’s support that the site where my purchase verification script is located is with IP Address
    After they will allow access, purchase code verification will work from my plugins.
    I hope that helps!
    Szabi – CodeRevolution.
  • in reply to: Can’t register the purchase code and upload videos to youtube #765

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    This seems like a firewall rule is blocking access from your server to my registration server.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Help me with CRON feed #763

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


    I checked your site and it seems that you have an issue with wp_cron on your site. This system is used to run plugin jobs automatically.

    This is not a plugin issue, but a WordPress wide issue (it affects also other WordPress functionality).

    Because of this, to fix this issue, please contact your hosting provider’s support and tell them that the wp_cron system is not functioning on your site.

    You can see the issue in action, here: – this is a page generated by a custom plugin I installed, called WP Crontrol.

    The error can be seen on the top part of the page:

    There was a problem spawning a call to the WP-Cron system on your site. This means WP-Cron events on your site may not work. The problem was:
    Unexpected HTTP response code: 401

    Please contact your hosting provider’s support and send them the above error message. They will be able to fix this issue on your site.

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: home >> subpage >> post #761

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779
    I checked the link you provided, and it seems that the source site is using some plugins or scripts to load content only after the page is displayed to the user, using JavaScript. The process is called lazy loading.
    The issue here is that the plugin (nor any other PHP based plugin that runs on WordPress) cannot execute JavaScript, it will only get the content that is sent from the server in it’s plain HTML form. Changes that are made to the content after the page is displayed (using JavaScript), are invisible to the plugin.
    However, I managed to work around this in my plugins, so if you check the plugin’s ‘Main Settings’, you will see a settings field called PhantomJS Path On Server’ – this is used to configure the plugin to use phantomjs to import content. PhantomJS is a small browser that needs to be installed on your server, and the plugin can use it to download content and to also render JavaScript created material, inside of posts.
    However, the down side of this approach is that phantomjs is possible to be installed only on VPS hosting services or on private servers – shared hosting providers will not allow you to edit the server settings or to install other components to it.
    So, if you are able to install phantomjs to your server, you can configure the plugin to enable it’s usage, and it will also import content that is “lazy loaded”. 

    For more info on this, please check this video: (similar settings also for Echo RSS)
    Phantomjs installation help:
    Like this, you will be able to import content from the page.
  • in reply to: Unex[ected Error #759

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779

    I am happy to hear that the issue is solved. 🙂

    If you enjoy the plugin, please give it a rating on CodeCanyon, it is really appreciated. 🙂


    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: home >> subpage >> post #757

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


    Please send me the URL of the target website so I can check on it.


    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Unex[ected Error #755

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4779


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    The issue you have in the plugin is caused by another plugin that is installed on your site, called td-composer. It is breaking because you don’t have a module installed on your server that is required by it’s functioning.

    My plugin reports this issue because the td-composer plugin is breaking normal functioning also in my plugin.

    To fix this, you have the following options:

    1. Disable the td-composer plugin -> issue should be solved.

    2. Contact the developer of the td-composer plugin and send him the above error message -> he should be able to fix his plugin to not break functioning of my plugin any more.

    3. You can install iconv PHP extension on your server:

    Let me know if this info helped.

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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