Szabi – CodeRevolution

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Viewing 15 posts - 4,036 through 4,050 (of 4,394 total)
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  • in reply to: Problem making the facebook app #1136

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Please check this page where I detail how to create an app that can be submitted for review:


    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1133

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778

    1. Please send me temp admin login to your site, so I can check on this. I tried using the feed URL on my test blog, and for me images are showing correctly, so something might be different on your site. My email is

    2. I still don’t fully understand this question, maybe can you send me some screenshots, please?

    3. Sure, let me know details in an email.


  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1131

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778


    1. Please go to importing rule settings for the rule which imports from this specific RSS feed and check the ‘Skip Checking Feed Image’ and ‘Skip Checking OG:Image Meta’ checkboxes -> save settings -> import new posts. Let me know if did not work.

    2. Well, currently there is no way to hide the author, when you use the ‘Post to RSS Rules’ plugin menu. Added to my update ideas list.

    3. Usually yes, I am available for hire, but right now, I am fully booked with custom work for a long period of time, and I cannot take any more jobs in this period. Sorry for this.


  • in reply to: not publishing (error uploading photos) #1130

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Activation Code Problem #1126

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778
    The error message you that you get is related to a server configuration blocking access to my update server (from your server).
    Error: An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
    This basically means that your hosting company is blocking requests to my servers (where the purchase code verification is located).
    So you will need to contact your hosting support team and ask them to disable mod_security (or at least the mod_security module that is blocking access to my server).
    Unfortunately, there is no other way around this issue and nothing can be done by the plugin, because the access is blocked by your server.
    Please mention to your hosting provider’s support that the site where my purchase verification script is located is with IP Address
    After they will allow access, purchase code verification will work from my plugins.
    Szabi – CodeRevolution.
  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1123

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778

    Yes, using the default_category field you can add an array of category ids, that will be added to posts.


  • in reply to: Rewriting #1121

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778


    I checked your site and I see this error in plugin logs:

    “SpinRewriter” error response: stdClass Object ( [status] => ERROR [response] => Authentication failed. No user with this email address found.

    The error can be see in the ‘Activity and Logging’ section of the plugin.

    Please double check your credentials for SpinRewriter.

    Let me know if this helped.


  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1119

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778


    For  $last_run you can set: 1988-01-27 00:00:00

    For $rule_unique_id you can set a random unique string.

    Yes, if you uncheck the ‘Do Not Generate Inexistent Categories for New Posts:’ checkbox, the plugin will create new categories on your site. Yes, you can also set default categories that are already existing on you site, with the $default_category settings.


  • in reply to: Rewriting #1117

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1115

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778



    $textids = $array_my_values[0];
    $schedule = $array_my_values[1];
    $active = $array_my_values[2];
    $last_run = $array_my_values[3];
    $max = $array_my_values[4];
    $status = $array_my_values[5];
    $def_type = $array_my_values[6];
    $post_user_name = $array_my_values[7];
    $default_tags = $array_my_values[8];
    $default_category = $array_my_values[9];
    $auto_categories = $array_my_values[10];
    $auto_tags = $array_my_values[11];
    $enable_comments = $array_my_values[12];
    $featured_image = $array_my_values[13];
    $image_url = $array_my_values[14];
    $post_title = $array_my_values[15];
    $post_content = $array_my_values[16];
    $enable_pingback = $array_my_values[17];
    $post_format = $array_my_values[18];
    $full_content = $array_my_values[19];
    $only_text = $array_my_values[20];
    $single = $array_my_values[21];
    $type = $array_my_values[22];
    $inner = $array_my_values[23];
    $expre = $array_my_values[24];
    $stick_posts = $array_my_values[25];
    $banned_words = $array_my_values[26];
    $required_words = $array_my_values[27];
    $strip_by_id = $array_my_values[28];
    $strip_by_class = $array_my_values[29];
    $encoding = $array_my_values[30];
    $limit_word_count = $array_my_values[31];
    $translate = $array_my_values[32];
    $hideGoogle = $array_my_values[33];
    $strip_images = $array_my_values[34];
    $import_date = $array_my_values[35];
    $remove_default = $array_my_values[36];
    $rule_unique_id = $array_my_values[37];
    $read_more = $array_my_values[38];
    $skip_og = $array_my_values[39];
    $skip_feed_image = $array_my_values[40];
    $remove_cats = $array_my_values[41];
    $auto_delete = $array_my_values[42];
    $skip_first_img = $array_my_values[43];
    $skip_post_content = $array_my_values[44];
    $content_percent = $array_my_values[45];
    $custom_fields = $array_my_values[46];
    $source_language = $array_my_values[47];
    $strip_by_regex = $array_my_values[48];
    $replace_regex = $array_my_values[49];
    $custom_tax = $array_my_values[50];
    $link_source = $array_my_values[51];
    $replace_url = $array_my_values[52];
    $skip_older = $array_my_values[53];
    $parent_category_id = $array_my_values[54];
    $date_index = $array_my_values[55];
    $skip_newer = $array_my_values[56];
    $nofollow = $array_my_values[57];
    $user_agent = $array_my_values[58];
    $custom_simple = $array_my_values[59];
    $use_phantom = $array_my_values[60];
    $limit_title_count = $array_my_values[61];
    $royalty_free = $array_my_values[62];
    $lazy_tag = $array_my_values[63];
    $attach_screen = $array_my_values[64];
    $custom_cookie = $array_my_values[65];
    $use_proxy = $array_my_values[66];
    $update_existing = $array_my_values[67];
    $rel_canonical = $array_my_values[68];
    $wpml_lang = $array_my_values[69];

  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1112

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778

    In this case, please try using real cron jobs:


  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1109

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778

    Yes, ‘Get Post Publish Date From Feed’ checkbox from importing rule settings.


  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1107

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778

    Right now, I see the most recent articles dates for both links set to: 2020-01-30

    Regarding cron, yes, the server should be able to handle 10 minutes cron runs, however, if you import content from many feeds, this might use up significant part of server resources – but should not impact visitor site load time.


  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1104

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778


    Please try using this free plugin to open titles in a new tab:


  • in reply to: Display original site name, etc. #1101

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4778

    Sure. 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 4,036 through 4,050 (of 4,394 total)