Strip Links

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  • Author
    • #2371

      Post count: 26

      Hi<br />In the post options, I am not clear about the difference between:<br />Links from 1 strip of generated post content:<br />2- Remove links only from imported content<br />—<br />Isn’t it the same Generated and imported?<br />Thank you.

    • #2372

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4187


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Also, thank you for your question. The ‘Strip links from generated post content’ will remove all links from the post final content – meaning that after the post content was generated replacing shortcodes you configured in the ‘Generated Post Content’ settings field from importing rule settings (shortcodes were replaced and translation, spinning and other filtering was applied to it). This content will be ready to be posted to a new post.

      While the ‘Remove links only from imported content’ checkbox will remove links from the imported content right after it was returned by the API (before any modifications and processing was done to it).

      The difference is minor, but still, in some cases, there will be a difference between the 2 checkboxes.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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