Szabi – CodeRevolution

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  • in reply to: FB to post app review rejected #638

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    Facebook restricted app review lately, and they will not give out the ‘Public Page Access’ permission without a good reason.

    To further import content from Facebook, please use the cookie based authentication method. Please check this video tutorial on how to use it:

    If possible, please create a new Facebook account and use the cookies from that account, this just as a preventive measure, so your main Facebook account is not banned because of unauthorized use of the cookie method.

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Instagram/tweeter/youtube problem #636

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Also, please specify how can I reproduce the iframe issue on your website in the plugin.

    Alternatively, if you do not wish to send login credentials, you can also try to reproduce this issue on the plugin’s demo, and send me the demo link you created:

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: How to link the Read More button. #634

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    You had some incorrect translation settings in plugin’s ‘Main Settings’. You were translating from English to English. 🙂

  • in reply to: How to link the Read More button. #632

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    I got a log in URL to my email (I assume it is from your part).

    However, I don’t seem to find a page where the read more URL is not working. Can you send me an example URL, please?

    The website I checked is


    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Eventomatic #631

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Need help #629

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    I tried to access your site – but I get this error:


    Is your site new and the DNS records were not fully updated? In this case, I will have to wait 10-24 hours for it to be online also for me. In this case, please remind me of this issue tomorrow.

    If this is not the case, please contact your hosting provider’s support and let them know that the website is not accessible and the above error is returned.

    Let me know which is the case from above.

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: How to link the Read More button. #627

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Etsyomatic issue #625

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783

    Well, in this case, we need to work with this value…

  • in reply to: Etsyomatic issue #623

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    A PHP settings on your server seems to prevent prolonged execution of the plugin.

    Please modify server settings to allow longer execution times.

    More on this:

    You should increase the default timeout value in the httpd.conf file. For example:

    # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
    Timeout 900

    Furthermore, increasing the max_execution_time limit in php.ini can also bring positive results:

    max_execution_time 900

    Save the changes, restart server, and re-check.

    Also, if you don’t know how to make this settings change, please contact your hosting provider’s support and ask them to increase max_execution_time for you.


    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Problems with Demo My WordPress #614

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Let me ask you a couple of questions first, to clarify your needs:

    1. Do you want to redirect users directly to a unique demo page (example: – and you want to keep this as a static page, do not change it over time, correct?)
    2. You don’t want to show WordPress admin bar for logged in users that arrive to the demo page, correct?
    3. Can you send me, please, the WP page where you set up the shortcodes of the plugin? I don’t find it right now on your website.

    Let me know if I got things right and if I missed something.

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.


  • in reply to: Text Spinner support #612

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    Thank you for contacting me.

    Sorry for the late response, I was on a short vacation.

    To check on how to use the text spinner functionality of the plugin, please check this video tutorial I built for this:

    Please let me know if this helped.

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Craigslistomatic Not Functioning #611

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    I checked your website and it seems that your website’s IP address is blocked at Craigslist’s part.

    Error: This IP has been automatically blocked.

    To fix this, please contact your hosting provider’s support and ask them to change the IP address of your server. This will unblock posting in the plugin.

    Alternatively, if you have the possibility to use proxies to access Craigslist, this is also possible from the plugin. The settings can be found in the plugin’s ‘Main Settings’ -> ‘Web Proxy Address’ settings field. In this case (if you use proxies), IP changing is no longer required.

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: cjomatic #610

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Yes, you can import products from a specific advertiser. To do so, please enter your advertiser partner’s ID, in the ‘Advertiser IDs’ settings field, in importing rule advanced settings.

    Please save settings and run importing.

    Regarding WooCommerce product creation, yes, this is also possible. You need to select ‘product’, from the ‘Item Type’ dropdown, when you create/configure your importing rule.

    Also, to add custom taxonomies (like categories), to generated WooCommerce products, please use the ‘Post Custom Taxonomies’ settings field, from importing rule settings.

    Advanced help on this settings field:

    The syntax for this field is the following: custom_taxonomy_name1 => custom_taxonomy_value1A, custom_taxonomy_value1B; custom_taxonomy_name2 => custom_taxonomy_value2A, custom_taxonomy_value2B; … . In custom_taxonomy_valueX, you can use shortcodes. Example (without quotes): ‘cats_taxonomy_field => manualtax1, %%item_image_URL%%; tags_taxonomy_field => manualtax2, %%item_image_URL%%’. You can use the following shortcodes: %%item_intro%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%item_title%%, %%item_content%%, %%item_content_plain_text%%, %%item_url%%, %%item_ad_id%%, %%item_id%%, %%item_buy_now_button%%, %%item_show_image%%, %%item_image_URL%%, %%item_description%%, %%item_ad_id%%, %%item_advertiser_id%%, %%item_advertiser_name%%, %%item_advertiser_category%%, %%item_catalog_id%%, %%item_currency%%, %%item_in_stock%%, %%item_isbn%%, %%item_manufacturer_name%%, %%item_price%%, %%item_sku%%, %%item_manufacturer_sku%%, %%item_retail_price%%, %%item_sale_price%%, %%item_upc%%, %%author%%.

    Also, please check the plugin’s tutorial video, here:

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Reddit To Posts – Top Posts / Month / Year / etc #606

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    I understand now.

    Unfortunately, the query parameters from the URL that you wish to use, are not supported by the Reddit API, so they will not return content.

    Sorry for the caused inconvenience.


    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Reddit To Posts – Top Posts / Month / Year / etc #604

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Please specify your issue with the plugin also in the email (because I get multiple similar emails), so I know what I should check.

    Thank you. Regards,
    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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