Szabi – CodeRevolution

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  • in reply to: Crawlomatic Not able to scrapping! #684

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    I tried to check on the tag related issue on your website, but I get this error when I try to log in:

    403 Forbidden

    Request forbidden by administrative rules.



  • in reply to: Regarding FFMPEG #682

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    Unfortunately, the plugin can execute ffmpeg only from the local server, because of some limitation of how the plugin can call this executable and store data generated for it.

    However, I will make a research on this matter, but to be honest, I tried to find a way for this when I initially implemented the plugin, and I did not manage to find a way to accomplish this.

    If I manage to solve this, I will update all plugins that use ffmpeg.

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Crawlomatic Not able to scrapping! #672

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783

    Yes, all resources are released when importing finishes in the plugin.


  • in reply to: Crawlomatic Not able to scrapping! #670

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783
    This reply has been marked as private.
  • in reply to: Crawlomatic Not able to scrapping! #667

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783

    Great ideas! Thank you.

    I will make these changes in the next plugin update. 🙂

  • in reply to: Crawlomatic Not able to scrapping! #663

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    Yes, I am working on more tutorial videos for the plugin, because it is the most complex plugin I built so far, and indeed, it needs more tutorials than it has right now.

    Please follow my YouTube channel for new videos.


  • in reply to: Crawlomatic Not able to scrapping! #661

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783

    Also, if you haven’t already, I would recommend that you check also the plugin’s tutorial videos, here:


  • in reply to: Crawlomatic Not able to scrapping! #660

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    I checked your website and the issue was caused because the source site uses lazy loading for images.

    The plugin can handle also lazy loaded images, you have to use the ‘Lazy Loading Images HTML Tag’ settings field, in importing rule settings. I set this to ‘data-lazy-src’ for you, and now images are showing correctly. Please check this tutorial video for more details on this:

    Regarding the issues with tags and categories, you also have to input a Regex delimiter for it to work.

    Example: instead of:

    <meta property=”article:tag” content=”(?<tag>.*?)”

    you should have:

    #<meta property=”article:tag” content=”(?<tag>.*?)”#

    I fixed this also, now tags and categories are importing correctly.

    Also, to enable category importing, you have to check also the ‘Add Post Categories From Query Strings (Below)’ checkbox from importing rule settings (checked it for you).

    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Need help #655

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    I checked your site again, and now it is working for me. However, the login credentials you shared are no longer working.

    If you still have the issue you reported, please get back to me with new login credentials and I will help.


    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: How to get spun articles without the spintax #654

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    Updated the plugin to v1.0.1 and fixed the issue you encountered.
    Thank you for reporting it!
    Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: Comments user on movieomatic #649

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    The plugin will set the name of the author of the comments, in the ‘author_name’ field, in the database, directly in the comment entry. It will not create a new WordPress user, but use the default ‘admin’ user and just change it’s name for each comment, with the above method.

    However, some themes are not displaying the correct name for comment authors, but they are displaying the name of the author, directly from the data they have about the author, and will ignore the post specific data that the plugin sets.

    So, to solve this issue, please contact the developer of the theme you are using, and ask him to display comment authors from the comment database, rather than the user database (which might be incorrect for all comments).

    Another option would be changing your current theme, with one that will display comment author names correctly.

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: How to get spun articles without the spintax #647

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783


    First of all, thank you for your purchase.

    I tried to reproduce this issue, but on my test blog, I did not managed to find the plugin settings that you use, that generates the unrendered Spintax.

    Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out directly on your blog? Send it, please, to my email address:

    Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

  • in reply to: FB to post app review rejected #644

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783

    Well, I got a page that helps to get access to manage_pages and publish_pages:

  • in reply to: FB to post app review rejected #642

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783

    Sure. 🙂

  • in reply to: FB to post app review rejected #640

    Szabi – CodeRevolution
    Post count: 4783

    Well, yes, this is the downside of this method, maybe if you could use a device that you are not using so often and log in on that, it would partially solve this issue.

    I am sorry, but this is the only method that is available right now. I am working on getting another set of API credentials with public content access, but they are not making this easy for me. 🙁

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