Wikiomatic – suddenly died in the middle of using it

This topic is: resolved


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This topic has 26 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #1288

      Post count: 20

      Hi Szabi,

      I was enjoying your great plugin and getting a lot of work done.

      But suddenly, out of the blue, the tab “Wikipedia to Posts” (the main page for getting things done) stopped working.

      I just get this message:

      This page could not be found!
      We are sorry. But the page you are looking for is not available.
      Perhaps you can try a new search.”

      Everything else is working fine (WordPress, theme and other plugs).
      Is there an update, or something, that I should know about?

      All the best.


    • #1289

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #1290

      Post count: 20

      Hi again,

      I can’t help noticing this issue is marked as resolved (I didn’t do that).

      Anyway… I have done more troubleshooting and realize that several plugins, that worked fine yesterday, now conflict with Wikiomatic (don’t know how that suddenly happened).

      If I deactivate these tried and true plugs, I can still use Wikiomatic:

      Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights

      Mashshare Share Buttons

      Ocean Extra

      I will do so for now, to be able to finish my project creating the wiki pages. Then I guess the solution will be to switch off the Wikiomatic plugin. Something must have changed with the plug to cause all the others to suddenly, and simultaneously, start interfering.

      One related question; Can I safely deactivate/uninstall Wikiomatic without getting a problem with the pages/posts it has generated?

      All the best.

    • #1291

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779


      Yes, the plugin can be deactivated and all it’s settings and content it has created will remain intact, you can reinstall the plugin later and use it.

      I will check on compatibility with the plugins you mentions, however, the best would be direct access on your site, so I can check on this there. If not possible, no problem, will try to reproduce this on my test site.


    • #1292

      Post count: 20

      Thanks. Than I will do this.

      I don’t think the other plugs are the real problem.
      They worked fine together with Wikiomatic up until last night (European time) when the “Wikipedia to posts” page suddenly started generating the “This page could not be found!” message. The “conflicting” plugs still work as normal on several other sites of mine. Who knows, maybe it gets solved as mysteriously as it appeared 🙂

      Well… back to work.

    • #1293

      Post count: 20

      It died again, but after digging deeper it appears as if WooCommerce probably is the root cause of this conflict. Why… I don’t know. But after deactivating it, it looks like Wikiomatic is back again (also with the 3 aforementioned plugs activated). Crossing my fingers this was the real solution. Cheers

      PS. Even with these (hopefully temporary) conflicts, I still love your plugin. Keep up the good work.

    • #1294

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      Thank you. 🙂

      Can you tell me, please, what version of WooCommerce are you using, so I can check on this on my test blog?


    • #1295

      Post count: 20

      Version 4.0.1

      But I dunno how much help it is, cause… it died again (with WC deactivated).
      Apparently there are some moving parts somewhere.

      I’m just working with adding wiki pages (not updating other plugs, themes or WP). Since last night, I spend just as much time trying to figure out what to deactive next. Think it’s time for a timeout soon. I’ve seen the “This page could not be found!” page one too many times.

    • #1296

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      Can you check on this, please, also with your hosting provider’s support? It might be also a hosting related issue. Just guessing here.

    • #1297

      Post count: 20

      Anything specific I should ask for?

      What are the specs required for Wikiomatic to function properly?

    • #1298

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      There are no specs, if WordPress works for you, the plugin should also work.

      Also, regarding the issue, if you tell them about the error you are getting, maybe they know a possible cause…

    • #1299

      Post count: 20

      Ok, so it’s not memory intense or something like that (or otherwise put a heavy workload on their system)? It’s just good to know on beforehand.

    • #1301

      Post count: 20

      Hi again,

      I’ve been in touch with them.
      Basically, the only advice I got was to raise memory limits, which I have done.

      I have also disabled all other plugs. Keeping only Wikiomatic.

      I have changed theme from my OceanWP to the traditional Twenty Twenty.

      (so basically running Wikiomatic as the only plug on a clean Twenty Twenty WP)

      I have uninstalled Wikiomatic and reinstalled it.

      I have re-added the Google Knowledge Graph API Key.

      As a long-shot, I also tried Chrome in incognito mode and also Opera.

      None of the above has helped.

      The “Wikipedia to Posts” tab appears to be gone for good now. All I get is “This page could not be found!”.

      I’m running out of options here.

      Since I cannot use Wikiomatic anymore I guess I just have to switch back to my prefered theme, activate my plugs and continue working on other parts of the website.

      What do you suggest now?

      All the best.



    • #1302

      Post count: 20

      …one more thought/speculation…

      What about the possibility that this is Google Knowledge Graph API Key related?

      My key has made 233 successful calls until recently.

      When I check their site I find this warning/info:

      Remember to configure the OAuth consent screen with information about your application.

      The “OAuth consent screen” have two options: ‘Internal’ and ‘External’

      I’m only allowed to pick ‘External’ since I’m not a G Suite user.

      The info text for ‘External’ tells me this:

      In this mode, your app is available to any user with a Google account. External apps that request sensitive or restricted user data must first be verified by Google. This process may take 4-6 weeks. In addition, if you selected restricted scopes, you’ll need to go through an independent security review, which can cost USD $15k-$75k

      Is this what causes the the whole thing?
      What am I supposed to do now? This is getting pretty complicated.

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

    • #1304

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      I thought of a possible fix. Please try re-saving the permalink structure in WordPress settings:

      • Step 1: In the main menu find “Settings > Permalinks”.
      • Step 2: Scroll down if needed and click “Save Changes”.
      • Step 3: Rewrite rules and permalinks are flushed.


    • #1306

      Post count: 20

      Hi again,

      I’ve tried it, but no luck.
      I have sent you the login credentials (via email).

      I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    • #1310

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779
      I removed the last 2-3 rules from your site, and this seems to have fixed the issue.
      Please let me know if you see this issue again, because I am still not sure what caused it.
      Szabi – CodeRevolution.
    • #1313

      Post count: 20

      Hi Szabi,

      Wow. You are a genius 🙂
      I will give it real test spin later tonight.

      Thank you for awesome support and a great plugin.

    • #1314

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      I am happy if I managed to help. 🙂

    • #1315

      Post count: 20

      You sure did, but… now it’s back again.
      Could you please do more magic?

      I have no idea what’s causing this.
      It just randomly dies after adding a new query and then pressing the “Save Settings” button, or the “Select An Action/Run This Rule Now” button (can’t remember which one it was).

      Can it be because there are many queries now (even though none of them are marked as “Active”? The first 100+ went really smooth without any problems at all. When you get it back up and running, should I delete the old queries? The pages they created won’t be affected by it, I guess? (As long as I don’t lose any pages I don’t mind deleting the queries, if that helps.)

      At least you know where to look for the problem now 🙂

      I will go on to working on other parts of the site again until you have had a look.

    • #1316

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      It seems that you have a weird server limitation that will not allow the plugin to display input values over a fixed value. I deleted the last rule from the plugin and loading the page works again. If I create it again, the page is not loading. Please contact your hosting provider’s support, and ask them to increase the max_input_vars PHP variable for your site to a greater value.

      On my test sites, the plugin is working even with many more rules than in your case, so it is for sure a server config issue on your site.


    • #1317

      Post count: 20

      I have just checked my cPanel and the max_input_vars is set to 100000. Isn’t that pretty high compared to the 1000 default? Please advice and let me know how much it should be for the plugin to work.

      Should I delete old queries to solve this issue? Will the pages they created be affected by it? (As long as I don’t lose any pages I don’t mind deleting the queries, if that allows me to finishing the project.)

    • #1318

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      Yes, deleting old rules will work, each post that they created will remain published, this will surely work.

      I am not sure what other settings can cause this behavior in the plugin, maybe if you could also ask your hosting provider’s support about this?

    • #1319

      Post count: 20

      I have made screenshots of my PHP settings (see attachments). Does any of this look wrong to you?



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    • #1322

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      Looking good, something else might be the cause of the issue… really puzzling me.

    • #1323

      Post count: 20

      I have deleted all old queries. I will take it for a test spin tonight.

    • #1324

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      Sure, this should help.

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