Usage Limit Reset

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #8071

      Post count: 1


      I was hoping to get some help with the usage limits that work with the ultimate membership pro plugin.

      Problem 1

      I’d like to be able to reset the usage limits available for users.

      For example right now, you can set a usage limit of £30 a year for a user with Membership X. If they use all £30 of their usage limit before the year is finished, there is nothing that can be done to reset their usage limit from 30/30 back to 0/30.

      If the 1 year period is finished and the next year begins, then I assume that the usage limit will be reset back to 0/30, however that is the only possible way for the usage limit of a user to go to 0 after reaching the maximum value.

      I would like users to be able to reset this usage limit by renewing their membership. In the above example, a User A buys membership X which gives them a £30 usage limit per year. After they have reached this limit their balance will be 30/30 as shown by the [aiomatic-user-remaining-credits-text] shortcode.

      In order to get their balance back to 0/30, they will purchase Membership X again through the ultimate membership pro plugin. Every time their balance reaches the limit of 30/30 they will have to purchase membership X again.

      Can you help create this feature? Maybe in the form of an extra area where it says ‘if user purchases Membership X again, then usage balance will reset.’


      Problem 2

      Also, if a user has more than one membership. For example membership X (usage balance £30) and membership Y (usage balance £40), then after membership X usage balance is used up, the Aiomatic plugin should automatically start to use the balance they have remaining for Membership Y.

      Unfortunately, if a user has 2 memberships, the Aiomatic plugin will only use one balance e.g. Membership X (£30) and after it runs out, it doesn’t switch to the Membership Y balance (£40) that is available.

      Let me know if you can help with this.

      Thank You,



    • #8094

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Currently, the plugin tracks usage independently of the ‘Ultimate Membership Pro’ plugin, because of this, it cannot reset usage when a new subscription is purchased. A solution for this would be, indeed, to add an option to the plugin to reset the usage of the user, when a new subscription plan is purchased.

      Also, at the moment, it checks the first membership which matches the user which is active and checks the usage limits for this specific membership plan. Multiple memberships are currently not supported. The solution for this would be if the plugin’s membership checking would be reworked and support would be added for multi-subsciptions.

      I can make these updates for the plugin, as paid custom updates for Aiomatic. For details on this, please contact me at my email:

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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