Ultimate News Aggregator Function

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This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by NBERIOZKIN0616.

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    • #4860

      Post count: 13

      Hey Szabi,

      You mentioned in one of your YouTubes that you were always open to development suggestion for your plugins, so here’s one that might make that Ultimate News Aggregator very powerful.

      So the issue is that unlike the other plugins that pull content that can be indexed and thus drive traffic to our websites, the aggregator is more of a functionality enhancement,  and as such traffic will have to come via other means.

      However, what would be spectacular is if via the embeding methodology, we were somehow able to share those embeded pages on social media platforms with links coming back to that article on our domains.

      To clarify, let’s say the app is embeding the feed from buzzfeed. A user clicks on the buzzfeed navigation pannel and clicks onto an article that interests them; the right hand panel is diplaying the embed of that article for the user to read.

      It would be amazing for the app to somehow generate a url for that specific article and grab the social share data for that article from buzzfeed, and allow us to share that url along with all the social share preview data on FB/Twitter, etc with the link coming back to that article on our site, vs back to buzzfeed.

      I don’t know if this is technically possible at all, but perhaps url can be dynamically generated on the fly when a “share link” button is pressed; or perhaps via a static https://www.mysite.com/newsapp/april04/feed02/article07 which points to that article

      Hope that make sense at all. It’s just that with such functionality, we could then share stories in FB groups, promote them, etc and drive social traffic back into the site.

      Anyway, just through it was worth throwing out there.

      Thanks mate!

    • #4861

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779


      First of all, thank you for letting me know of your idea, I noted it.

      Just to be sure that I understand this correctly, you suggest to add social sharing buttons to the news which is displayed in the plugin, which will be of 2 types: one which will lead directly to the source of the news (BuzzFeed) and the other which will lead back to your site and will directly display the article from BuzzFeed embedded in it.

      Is this correct? Let me know.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #4862

      Post count: 13

      Hey Szabi,

      Sharing the original source is not really necessary (maybe for some people they would like to, but then that potential traffic would just go to the original news site, which is the opposite of what I would like to be able to do).

      The best scenario I believe would be to have the share button generate a url that can be shared (either via auto function, or copy/pasting the url) which would grab the share preview data from the original source (i.e. the social share image, the article description/synapses/whatever is available) to populate the shared info preview.

      So if there is a big story from buzzfeed “Tesla launching new Vehicle” we can grab the link from our site or press a share button and be able to post that on social platforms, and when users click the link, they are taken directly to that article embed on our site.

      It would be great to be able to copy/paste link also, and not just press share button, as that will allow us to also post that url into FB groups, YouTube vid comments, reddit comments, etc. which would not be possible I don’t think with just the share button functionality.

      I believe this would be 100% in line with TOS of social media platforms and even copyright stuff, as the link is still going back to an embed.

      This should allow to get lots of users into our sites, and then have them expereince the conveniance of the News Aggregator and get them to stay on the site and read other articles/subscribe, etc…. not to mention potential for monetizing via ads + affiliate links once they are on our sites.

      Hope that all makes sense 🙂

      many thanks!

    • #4863

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779

      Understood, thank you for your explanation.

      I noted this and will think on how to implement it!


    • #4864

      Post count: 13

      Great, thanks so much. Hopefully it is possible 🙂

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