Translation question

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This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by marcus.

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  • Author
    • #5946

      Post count: 8

      Hi Shabi, I hope you’re doing well!

      I wanted to ask you regarding crawlomatic and translation setup.
      What I am looking to do is:

      Scrape article in english and translate it to 2 languages – german and spanish

      But I dont want to display English article on my website. I want on website just to have those 2 translated languages.

      Maybe you know how is it possible to do? Maybe via WPML? I hope you could help with it

    • #5947

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Yes, this is possible, to do this, you have to create 2 separate importing rules for the same source and set for each source a different translation settings. For example, for the first rule, you can set the ‘Automatically Translate Content To’ settings field to German and for the second rule, you can set it to Spanish.

      To differentiate created posts, you can also assign to them custom categories or tags, using the ‘Additional Post Category’ or ‘Additional Post Tags’ settings fields.

      For an even better differentiation, you can set up a custom post type, using the plugin and set the plugin to create different post types for different languages.

      I hope this info helps.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #5948

      Post count: 8

      Thank you

    • #5989

      Post count: 8

      Hello, I double checked everything and as I understand for example if I want to do also more languages than each time it will be scraping same content. There is no efficiency. Is there no way to automatic translate without scraping same content few times?

    • #5998

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756

      No, currently the plugin cannot create multiple posts from the same scraped content (the same instance of the scraping) – the only solution at the moment is creating multiple rules, for multiple translations.

      However, I noted your suggestion, will think on adding this feature for upcoming updates for the plugin.


    • #6023

      Post count: 8

      Oh I see, I hope possible

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