tik tok app name not accepted

This topic is: resolved


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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 10 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #7315

      Post count: 9

      <div class=”css-9jay18 e1a3ji6c5″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-RejectMesageWrapper”>
      <div class=”css-ho1qnd en5749m1″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-Row”><span class=”css-162omej eblccp12″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-TUXText”>Changes to your app were not approved for production. <button class=”css-sutto9 e1a3ji6c6″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-SeeWhyButton”>See why</button></span></div>
      <button class=”opened css-1jy0ffr e1a3ji6c4″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-RejectCollapseButton”></button></div>
      <div class=”css-yentaa e1a3ji6c1″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-ReasonListContainer”>
      <p class=”css-162omej eblccp12″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-TUXText”>Update the following fields and resubmit changes to your app:

      <ul class=”css-1n80ze7 e1a3ji6c0″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-ReasonList”>
      <li data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-li”><span class=”css-162omej eblccp12″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-TUXText”>Your app was not approved because your app name did not meet our requirements.</span>

      <p class=”css-162omej eblccp12″ data-e2e=”Parts-RejectReasons-TUXText-15″>If you have any questions, contact us at tiktokplatform@tiktok.com


    • #7318

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      It seems that TikTok did not approve the app name you are currently using. Please change the app name to something more suggestive to what you want to achieve in the project you created. I suggest something like: Posting to <the name of your website>, or Social Connection of <the name of your website>

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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