Some articles sending infinite redirect loop

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #11846


      Good day Szabi,

      I’ve been having a hard time with some articles not appearing on my website when posting automatically and some even going as far as infinite redirect loops. I don’t know how to resolve this issue as before the articles have been working properly and even appear to be normal on the back-end, but in the front-end bringing issues.

      Please if are able to assist I would be highly appreciative.



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    • #11849

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4802


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      This might be a WordPress permalink related issue. Please go to the ‘Settings’ -> ‘Permalinks’ menu of WordPress -> click the ‘Save Changes’ button without doing any change to the settings from the page.

      This will refresh and potentially fix your redirect issues on your site.

      Let me know if this helped.

      Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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