register [aicontent] output in variable

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This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #11774

      Post count: 14

      Hello Szabi and really thank you for your amazing work.
      Just for you know who I am, you solve an issue about keyword linking on my website after I provide you the access (actuality website with the name start with 01*****.net)
      So again really thank you.

      I see we can register elements from HTML scrapped content in variable from “Custom Shortcode Creator (from Crawled Content)” in crawlomatic plugin.

      I wanna know if I can register output of AI when using [aicontent1]Prompt[/aicontent1] in crawlomatic or from somewhere else in your plugins.

      my_custom_shortcode => [aicontent1]Write an article about the following content: class @@ post-content [/aicontent1]
      my_custom_shortcode => [aicontent2] create a catchy title based on the following article: [aicontent1]Write an article about the following content: class @@ post-content [/aicontent1][/aicontent2]

      Tell me if I’m not clear and again thank you for your time.

    • #11778

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      This is not possible in the format you mentioned above, however, you can find in the Aiomatic plugin’s ‘Bulk AI Post Creators’ menu -> in the ‘Keywords/Titles to blog posts’ tab -> in rule settings: ‘Custom Shortcode Creator (Optional)’ settings field. This will hold expressions which will create custom shortcodes, with values generated by AI. The syntax for this field: shortcode_name => AI_MODEL_TO_USE @@ TEXTUAL_PROMPT_TO_USE (to specify multiple shortcodes and crawling values, separate them by a new line).

      Combining this with Crawlomatic’s custom content scraper is not yet possible, but idea noted.

      Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #11787

      Post count: 14

      thank you.
      Fast support like each time.
      Best regard.

    • #11788

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756

      I am glad to help.


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