publish and update are failing in Recipeomatic since update

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #980


      Since updating Recipeomatic to 0.2 The program will not publish or update as it should. It keeps giving me failed messages when I go to Publish or Update a recipe. Itr also will not keep the tags when entered. When I go back to the recipes it no longer has the tags that I entered.


      should I uninstall and do a reinstall?

      Thank You


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    • #982

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4778


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Please check this video tutorial, because you need to update the app ID from the plugin settings, from the old Yummly app to the new Spoonacular app:

      If this is not solving the issue you are facing, can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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