Problems with Demo My WordPress

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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    • #613


      <div>I’ve just purchased your Demo WordPress plugin from envato market for $37.00</div>
      <div>Basically I want my users to go to a page, create a demo – get an email with URL that takes them to a page.    This page is a basic template design which uses advanced custom fields and it has some custom controls that’s I’ve built , that allow for them to update the web pages ( a basic CMS).   I want the plugin to give them access to this page by creating a multisite and they can then go in a play.</div>
      <div>I have a couple of problems upon set uo</div>
      <div>1) The Captcha box although selected does not display</div>
      <div>2) The Form of an email address does not display either.</div>
      <div>I have tested on my theme and a standard wordpress theme and just get the CREATE DEMO button.</div>
      <div>I am using the following plugins that affect my frontend user</div>
      <div>1) Theme my Login – this is designed to STOP my users seeing a WP dashboard</div>
      <div>2) Advanced Custom Fields Pro</div>
      <div>So what I need the plugin to do is basically create a new multisite on my network, and duplicate the exact settings that can be shared with a client.</div>
      <div>For example if i give you this.</div>
      <div><wbr />subscribesites/ .  -this is the site</div>
      <div>If you wish to login to see how I’ve set up, please see the email I have just sent you with login details</div>
      <div>If you view the site , you will the CMS controls are now visible.</div>
      <div>So what I need is</div>
      <div>1)<wbr />subscribesites/demo12345</div>
      <div>2) The user then goes to “logged in” version of page and they have play with the controls.</div>
      <div>3) I don’t need them to see Dashboard at all – as I don’t want them knowing WP.</div>
      <div>Can you help?  I saw something about parameters in the shortcode, but don’t think this will work.</div>
      <div>Have I bought the wrong plugin? I really can’t afford to waste the money if have. :(</div>
      Thank you for your time</div>

    • #614

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4779


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Let me ask you a couple of questions first, to clarify your needs:

      1. Do you want to redirect users directly to a unique demo page (example: – and you want to keep this as a static page, do not change it over time, correct?)
      2. You don’t want to show WordPress admin bar for logged in users that arrive to the demo page, correct?
      3. Can you send me, please, the WP page where you set up the shortcodes of the plugin? I don’t find it right now on your website.

      Let me know if I got things right and if I missed something.

      Szabi – CodeRevolution.


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