First of all, thank you for your purchase.
This is imported as the default WordPress scraper cannot execute JavaScript on websites and some websites will not allow their content to be displayed, unless JavaScript is able to be executed (to prevent scraping).
To not get these kind of articles created, you have 2 options:
1. Install Puppeteer on your server and set up the plugin to use it. This will executed also JavaScript during scraping and solve this issue. Tutorial on how to install Puppeteer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRUDcSOe724
Usage with Newsomatic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kURhZ1I9bpI
2. If this is not possible, you can set up the plugin to skip importing of articles which contain the following words: ad blocker, adblocker, JavaScript
You can do this in ‘Main Settings’ menu -> ‘Banned Words List’ settings field. You can enter there: ad blocker, adblocker, JavaScript
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.