News Source option in Posts Headings

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #11044

      Post count: 4


      This may be helpful, especially if I have multiple news source that may or may not be producing good results.

      As such, is it possible to have a column heading named “News Source” where it shows where the source came from?

      Example in the screenshot:

      Columns<label><input id=”author-hide” class=”hide-column-tog” checked=”checked” name=”author-hide” type=”checkbox” value=”author” />Author</label> <label><input id=”categories-hide” class=”hide-column-tog” checked=”checked” name=”categories-hide” type=”checkbox” value=”categories” />Categories</label> <label><input id=”tags-hide” class=”hide-column-tog” checked=”checked” name=”tags-hide” type=”checkbox” value=”tags” />Tags</label> <label><input id=”sq_slacolumn-hide” class=”hide-column-tog” checked=”checked” name=”sq_slacolumn-hide” type=”checkbox” value=”sq_slacolumn” />Optimized</label> <label><input id=”taxonomy-coderevolution_post_source-hide” class=”hide-column-tog” checked=”checked” name=”taxonomy-coderevolution_post_source-hide” type=”checkbox” value=”taxonomy-coderevolution_post_source” />Post Source</label> <label><input id=”date-hide” class=”hide-column-tog” checked=”checked” name=”date-hide” type=”checkbox” value=”date” />Date</label>


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    • #11046

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      Thank you for this idea, I noted it for upcoming updates.

      Currently, you can view the source for each post separately, in single post editor menu of WordPress, where you will need to enable the displaying of custom fields. Look for the custom field named ‘newsomatic_post_url’, it will hold the source URL of the post.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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