multi questions api

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This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 21 hours, 9 minutes ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #11518

      Post count: 2

      (1)a category is a rule. if i have 10 categories or rules, can it be set to 1 hour and the software will fetch every hour?
      (2)can each category or rule have more sources?
      (3)how many feeds can be shown under each category ?
      (4)if the purchase key was used in the api key area, will it fetch from the old api? or not work?
      (5) will having it auto fetch every hour,will it slow down website?
      (6) will having more feeds shown under each category, slow the website down?
      (7) in my account it says i have 400 something daily calls, can users go over this if they fetch every hour, from 10 categories or rules?

    • #11519

      Post count: 2

      can this do local news? meaning, each user will have local news from their city? if yes how do i setup local?

    • #11520

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4628


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      1. Yes, if you set the ‘Schedule’ parameter to 1, than the plugin will import content for each rule, every hour.
      2. Yes, you can create multiple rules, each pointing to the same category.
      3. There is no limit for max number of feeds per category.
      4. If the limit is reached, the plugin will not import content any more.
      5. No, this should not slow down your site.
      6. No, this is not an issue.
      7. This limit should be ok, not go over the daily limit.
      8. Local news cannot be imported, only news from these sources:

      Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #11521

      Post count: 2

      I am loving this plugin. thanks for all your replies to my questions

    • #11522

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4628

      I am glad to help.


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