Movieomatic proxy IP problem and several questions

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #1576



      I bought your plugin recently and I have several questions.
      First when I add a proxy IP, the plugin doesn’t work anymore. Is it compatible with socks5 proxy?

      Also, the plugin doesn’t retrieve all possible data from TMDB. Is it possible to configure the plugin or add code for data such as: duration, age limit (ex PG-13), etc…? If it’s simple please tell me how to do it and I’ll add the functionality myself …

      When we recover the url of the second image, it recovers the width w500. How to change for a bigger size like “original” or “w1280”? Is it possible to directly download these images instead of getting only the TMDB url ?

      Thanks in advance

    • #1578

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      1. Yes, you can use SOCKS5 proxies, please use them in this format:


      2. Unfortunately, the TMDB API is not returning the data you mentioned. You can use these shortcodes (all the data returned by the API):

      %%item_tags%%, %%item_cat%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%item_description%%, %%item_vote_count%%, %%item_content%%, %%item_content_plain_text%%, %%item_read_more_button%%, %%item_url%%, %%item_show_image%%, %%item_image_URL%%, %%item_vote_average%%, %%item_tagline%%, %%item_status%%, %%item_spoken_languages%%, %%item_production_countries%%, %%item_production_companies%%, %%item_popularity%%, %%item_original_language%%, %%item_imdb_url%%, %%item_original_title%%, %%item_secondary_image%%, %%item_is_adult%%, %%item_date%%, %%item_title%%, %%item_imdb_id%%, %%item_homepage%%, %%item_genres%%, %%item_budget%%, %%item_id%%, %%item_trailer_embed%%, %%item_video_link%%, %%item_reviews%%, %%item_cast%%, %%item_crew%%

      3. Once again, the TMDB API is returning this image size, also, changing the URL of it is not safe, because based on my experiments, not all images will have larger resolution counterparts, and some will break if their URL is changed.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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