First of all, thank you for your purchase.
To download multiple manga also with full chapters, I recommend you increase the ‘Max # Chapters’ settings field to a very large value, like 10000. This will allow the plugin to process a large number of chapters in a single run of the plugin. In this case, you might need to set the ‘Schedule’ parameter to a larger value than 1 hour, like 3 or 4 hours, to allow the plugin to finish scraping of chapters before it starts its next scheduled cycle again.
Also, if you use a keyword search query to search for manga, you can increase the maximum number of manga which will be scraped in the ‘Maximum Number Of Manga to Scrape’ settings field of rules (visible if you click ‘Settings’ for rules).
Also, for the above to work properly, you need to edit your server settings, you need to increase the max_execution_time server variable to a very large value. This is a server settings which stops execution of scripts which run on your server automatically, after a period of seconds, which is set to the value of this settings. I recommend you set it to 16000 or to a larger value. Please check this tutorial for info on how to do this: https://www.simplified.guide/php/increase-max-execution-time
Also, I noted your suggestions, will add them to the next plugin update. Regarding multiple keywords or URLs, in the next update you will be able to add multiple keywords or URLs separated by commas. Also, will think on how to add a default author field. Please check the next plugin update for these new features.
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.