First of all, thank you for your purchase.
This depends on the features of your current theme and how it sets posts as ‘featured’. If your current theme has a category which is ‘featured’, you can assign the ‘featured’ category to posts generated by the plugin using the ‘Additional Post Category’ settings field, from importing rule settings, where you will be able to select the featured category.
If your theme uses featured posts from the ‘sticky’ functionality of WordPress, you can do this by checking the ‘Create Sticky Posts’ checkbox from importing rule settings.
If your theme uses custom fields to mark posts as ‘featured’, you can use the ‘Post Custom Fields’ settings field to assign the respective custom field to posts.
If you don’t manage to figure this out from the above options, I suggest you contact the developer of your theme and ask him how your theme is assigning the featured status to posts, so it can be done also in the plugin.
I hope this info helps.
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.