Limit Words Without Loosing Quality on Other Rules

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This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 4 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #8855

      Post count: 23

      I’ve gone through the other questions on this forum, but I couldn’t locate an answer to this particular inquiry. Could you please provide guidance on how to restrict the number of words in my text without compromising the quality of other prompts and rules?

    • #8856

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Can you send me, please, screenshots of an example rule from your site, so I can get a better understanding of your configuration? Also, please give me more details about how you wish to restrict the number of words of the published post’s content, please give more details on how you would like the content to look like.

      I need more details, to get a better understanding of your question.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #8874

      Post count: 23

      Hi, thank you for your previous response. I may not have been clear earlier: I’m aiming to restrict the word count to 2,000 words per article. However, I’ve observed that when I limit tokens, it not only shortens the text but seems to impact its quality, tags, categories, and associated images. Can you advise on how I can maintain this word limit in bulk mode without sacrificing the content’s integrity?


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    • #8878

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756

      I understand now.

      In the posting mode you are using, you can limit the length of the article by reducing the number of sections which are added to the article. You can do this by setting ‘Number of Content Sections to Generate’ to 2. Also, reducing the number of paragraphs per section to 1-2 can help.

      Another option is to switch to ‘Title Based’ posting mode, where you will be able to add to the prompt sent to the AI to create content to a specific length (as the currently used “section based posting” uses multiple API requests to build the article, one for each section, while the “title based posting” uses a single API request for the entire article).

      To switch to title based posting, you can change the ‘Post Creation Mode’ rule parameter to ‘Title Based’.

      I hope this info helps.


    • #8879

      Post count: 23

      Thanks for your answer, I understand you well. Just one more question, so does it mean that the title-based uses fewer tokens than the topic-based?

    • #8880

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756

      Yes, usually the title based posting will use fewer tokens than the topic based posting.

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