how to get latest youtube posts from a specific channel

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This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by sandipbarik.

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  • Author
    • #1789

      Post count: 3

      How to get latest youtube posts from a specific channel, If you can just guide me to any tutorial or instruction / documentation

    • #1790

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      To import latest videos from YouTube, please do the following in importing rule settings:

      1. Set the ‘Keyword Search’ settings field to: *

      2. Uncheck the ‘Remember Last Posted Item And Continue Search From It’ settings field

      3. Set the ‘Source Channel ID’ settings field to the ID of the channel you wish to import videos from

      4. Set the ‘Search Order’ settings field to ‘Date’

      YouTube tutorial video:

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #1791

      Post count: 3

      I have solved the above by myself by selecting channel ID and “search order”.\

      But the new issue I’m facing is that youtubomatic creates folder per post id for each featured image in my wordpress uploads folder. However Even if I delete the post (and clear trash) the media files remain in media gallery, I have to manually delete it from media, even after that the folder with post id remains in the wordpress uploads folder.

      After testing for a whole day when I checked my ftp, I could see thousands of empty folder.

      How to automatically delete the media and the media folder in ftp when I delete the posts ??

    • #1794

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756

      Thank you for pointing this out, please update the plugin to v2.5.7.3 – it will no longer create a separate folder for each post when it stores images.

      Images will be deleted automatically when you delete posts, because they are post attachments, and these get deleted automatically, together with the deleted posts.


    • #1796

      Post count: 3


      Thank you for prompt support, Have updated to v2.5.7.3 now no folders are created,

      but when I delete the posts and clear trash, the media attachment still remains in the media library as well as ftp. Manually bulk deleting the images from media library clears them from the uploads folder in ftp. Can you pls check.

    • #1797

      Post count: 3

      update:  the above issue is solved by using the plugin : “Autoremove Attachments”

      I also want to buy your other plugins newsomatic & Crawlomatic, but I just want to make sure they also do not have the issue of folder creation for media items.


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