google image scraping

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 days, 21 hours ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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    • #11844

      I’ve got a few sites of aiomatic running on (, etc…), but I’m trying to move to hostinger for a number of reasons.. But aiomataic doesn’t seems to be willing to scrape google images there and the logs aren’t keep deep enough to understand much more
      <– ([18-Feb-2025 18:21:21 UTC] Searching for a royalty free image for keyword: car –>
      <– [18-Feb-2025 18:21:21 UTC] Searching Google Images… –>
      <– [18-Feb-2025 18:21:22 UTC] Failed to find royalty free image for: car –>

      Have you had problems with hostinger before (I know they are pretty large)?
      (I am able to scrape google images from hostinger using magicpostthumbnail.)
      Happy to assign you an account, run a release, share whatever.
      Just let me know what you need.


    • #11845

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      I suspect that your server’s IP address is blocked on Google’s side. You can try to get around this if you go to the plugin’s ‘Settings’ menu -> ‘General Settings’ tab -> ‘Web Proxy Address List’ settings field. I recommend you add a rotating proxy there.

      Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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