Feeds posting to all pages, no longer have images, plus have to run manually

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This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by damink.

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  • Author
    • #4104

      Post count: 2

      Hello.  Suddenly most of my feeds, set up to run to individual pages, show on all pages.  Additionally, they no longer have thumbnails and images.

      An additional ongoing problem is they do not run automatically, so I have to run manually.


    • #4105

      Post count: 2

      I figured most of it out, I think.  Somehow all my RSS to Post settings had literally every check box enabled, so you can see how this would make every post sticky and not allow images.  I changed all the RSS to Post parameters back to the correct settings for my site, and edited 39 individual posts from the last 3 days.  It has helped, and images for some posts are back.

      Any idea as to why this would happen?  The only thing I can think of was a WordPress update to 5.82.?

      Still have a problem with having to run the feeds manually.

    • #4106

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      This sounds like a weird issue, does anyone else have access to the admin part of your site? Could have it happened that you saved settings in the plugin from 2 sides? If this is not the case, did you change settings in it frequently? Or only did an initial setup and afterwards the only major thing happened was the WordPress update? Any detail on this is appreciated, so I can find the cause of this issue.

      Regarding auto running of the plugin, it seems you have an issue with wp_cron on your site, which is used by WordPress to automatically run scheduled runs of plugins and code. I suggest you replace wp_cron with server side cron, this will fix this issue. Please check details on how to do this, here: https://themeisle.com/blog/disable-wp-cron/

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #4111

      Post count: 2

      Hi Szabi, and thanks so much for your response.  I emailed a reply.  One update to that email: I updated WP by November 11, 18:xy.

      Thanks and regards,


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