Feature Request: Spin Articles only post publising

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This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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    • #4986

      Post count: 13

      Hi Szabi,

      Though I would throw this one your way as I think it could be very useful and likely easy to implement:

      Allow a checkbox to only apply spinning/api once post is published (not in draft), or perhaps click on the rule options to “apply spin to last generated posts”

      My reasoning for this is that I’m pulling articles and setting them to “unpublished draft” via the plugin, so that I can manually go through and select which ones are worth keeping, and which I would like to publish.

      Spinning everything as it comes in will just eat away the api credits on the spinner (I’m using WordAI, some of the others might have monthly limits also). So to avoid hitting the limits, it would be awesome to be able to apply spin manually via newsomatic.

      I think a “spin last pulled articles” via the source rules makes the most sense – as long as the plugin keeps track of which posts have been deleted. Alternatively, perhaps a button in the WP editor menu to “apply spin” via newsomatic?

      If there is a workaround that you suggest for such a case scenario, please let me know.

      Thanks very much Szabi

    • #4987

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      Thank you for this idea, I noted it.

      Currently you can do something very similar – you can disable spinning for specific rules, you can do this by checking the ‘Do Not Spin Posts Generated By This Rule’ checkbox from importing rule settings – I think this will do the same as you need: https://ibb.co/zXb5mrs

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #4989

      Post count: 13

      Right, yep, I am aware of that toggle. Issue is then applying the spin to all the posts I do want to keep, without manually copy/pasting into word ai interface (or other spinners); instead possibly having newsomatic with function to apply the spin to the post either on a post by post basis or in bulk to all remaining posts from the last scrape.

      Quick other issue I’m seeing (maybe a bug); I can’t seem to get rid of the “featured image” that newsomatic has placed on my posts? I have tried using the post editor, and replaced image – but it’s not being replaced. (I have purged site cache/browser cache, etc.) Please see this quick vid capture:



      How to overwrite this issue?

      Many thanks

    • #4990

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756

      I understand. If you wish to spin posts on a one-by-one basis, I recommend you also check the Kraken plugin I created, it is a general post editor, but it has also the post spinning feature – it provides a button on the single post editor screen in WordPress admin, to edit single posts: https://codecanyon.net/item/kraken-automatic-post-editor-plugin-for-wordpress/20620891

      Regarding the featured image issue, do you happen to use remote featured images from URL? Please check in the Newsomatic plugin’s ‘Main Settings’ menu -> ‘Do Not Copy Featured Image Locally’ or the ‘Enable ‘Featured Image from URL’ Integration’ checkboxes. Uncheck these if you have them checked.


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