Facebook to Posts Content issue

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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    • #853


      Hey there,

      I am unsure if this issue is related to the previous ticket, however I have been having issues with the plugin not importing all the Facebook content of a post.

      I recently had to “hack” the code to get it working…

      The edits I made were to the api graph call. I was having an error where this was being rejected:

      $feed_uri .= “&fields=full_picture,picture,id,message,name,description,link,from,type,story,attachments,created_time”;

      So I replaced it with

      $feed_uri .= “&fields=full_picture,picture,id,message,from,story,attachments,created_time”;

      And it started working again, however now it won’t import pictures attached to posts properly.

      Website in question: https://dev.gprotary.com/

      Also I tried importing posts this morning, and it seems like it’s not working at all now, lol…

      Hoping I just missed a plugin update or something!


    • #854

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      To be honest, Facebook deactivated my app id and secret (that had public page access), and since, I was unable to use the API part of the plugin…

      If you can share your api credentials with me, please send me temp admin login to your site (or the Facebook API credentials) to: kisded@yahoo.com

      Let me know if this is possible.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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