existing content editor with azure

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    • #10782

      Post count: 50

      It seems as though the Existing Content Editor no longer works.

      I have not used this tool for about 3 months. Last I remember, you said that Azure was no longer working, but that you were going to update the system to make it work again.

      Is there an update on this?

      [8-Jul-2024 19:40:20 UTC] Calling Microsoft Azure OpenAI (\gpt-3.5-turbo-16k) Excerpt Editor with seed command: Craft a captivating and concise excerpt of no more than 155 characters on: ‘Genuine Leather Cross Buckle Slipper’. The excerpt should be eye-catching and intriguing, using compelling language to stand out in search engine results and immediately draw the reader’s attention. Never mention the word “excerpt” and don’t repeat Genuine Leather Cross Buckle Slipper exactly. Do not use the word “elevate”.:
      [8-Jul-2024 19:40:22 UTC] Post ID 82524 failed to edit post excerpt using AI: Error: Choices not found in initial Azure chat API result: stdClass Object ( [code] => 429 [message] => Requests to the ChatCompletions_Create Operation under Azure OpenAI API version 2023-08-01-preview have exceeded token rate limit of your current OpenAI S0 pricing tier. Please retry after 86400 seconds. Please go here: https://aka.ms/oai/quotaincrease if you would like to further increase the default rate limit. )
      [8-Jul-2024 19:40:22 UTC] Post ID 82524 failed to be editted, nothing returned from AI editor
      [8-Jul-2024 19:40:22 UTC] Finished editing post ID: 82524

    • #10783

      Post count: 50

      * This is the only tool connected to this Azure account, so not sure how my quota can need increasing, as this is the only first instance of use in about 3 months.

    • #10786

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4500


      Yes, there was an update, please go to the plugin’s ‘Settings’ menu -> ‘API Keys’ tab -> add your deployment names from Azure, to the ‘Azure AI Model Deployments List’ section of the plugin. You will need to add a deployment name for each AI model which you want to use. You can check and create them here: https://portal.azure.com/?microsoft_azure_marketplace_ItemHideKey=microsoft_openai_tip#home

      Let me know if this helped.


      Szabi – CodeRevolution

    • #10787

      Post count: 50

      Increasing the deployment’s “Tokens Per Minute” rate from 5k to 100k seems to have resolved the issue.


    • #10788

      Post count: 50

      It would be nice if there was an additional setting below <b>Maximum Number Of Posts To Process:</b>


      “Maximum number of Posts to Process PER MINUTE”

      This will help to better align the requests with the max requests allowed per second  in Azure.

      Or add: Delay between requests (in milliseconds)

      Otherwise, failed attempts are almost always guaranteed, and thus the task needs to be repeated every time there are many posts to update (to make sure the failed requests, due to excess requests, are also done)

    • #10789

      Post count: 50

      Might be helpful for others to know that 240k requests per second seems to currently suffice for updating 20 posts (only writing “Instructions to Send For the AI Editor (Excerpt Editing)”) at a time using GPT 3.5 Turbo 16k.

    • #10793

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4500


      This is a good point, I add in the next update ‘Delay Between Requests (Milliseconds)’ settings.


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