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This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by Continuum2.
May 17, 2023 at 2:52 am #7563
I have just installed Ebayomatic, and it has a few issues.
1. it only imports 4 posts at a time even on default of 10.
2. when I set the condition to used, it also includes new as well.
Also, is there a way to exclude any items that are available in lots or multi-buy? I only want single items that are specifically the item in the image?
May 17, 2023 at 5:44 am #7564
Also, will the “available to”and “Located in” option be reinstated? It was a feature I was most interested in.
May 17, 2023 at 6:48 am #7565
Now nothing is importing and I am getting this:
[17-May-2023 05:49:14 UTC] Error when calling eBay API: Array ( [url] => [content_type] => application/json [http_code] => 400 [header_size] => 416 [request_size] => 2541 [filetime] => -1 [ssl_verify_result] => 19 [redirect_count] => 0 [total_time] => 0.213075 [namelookup_time] => 0.020378 [connect_time] => 0.071645 [pretransfer_time] => 0.127824 [size_upload] => 0 [size_download] => 160 [speed_download] => 750 [speed_upload] => 0 [download_content_length] => 160 [upload_content_length] => 0 [starttransfer_time] => 0.212996 [redirect_time] => 0 [redirect_url] => [primary_ip] => [certinfo] => Array ( ) [primary_port] => 443 [local_ip] => [local_port] => 60902 [http_version] => 2 [protocol] => 2 [ssl_verifyresult] => 0 [scheme] => HTTPS [appconnect_time_us] => 127597 [connect_time_us] => 71645 [namelookup_time_us] => 20378 [pretransfer_time_us] => 127824 [redirect_time_us] => 0 [starttransfer_time_us] => 212996 [total_time_us] => 213075 ) Args: Array ( [limit] => 20 [category_ids] => 56083 [offset] => 175 [q] => drive [filter] => searchInDescription:true,conditions:{2000|2010|2020|2030|2500|2750|3000|4000|5000|6000|7000}USED,buyingOptions:{FIXED_PRICE},price:[..100],priceCurrency:USD ) Response: {“errors”:[{“errorId”:12515,”domain”:”API_BROWSE”,”category”:”REQUEST”,”message”:”The ‘offset’ value must be either zero or a multiple of the ‘limit’ value.”}]} -
May 17, 2023 at 7:04 am #7566
First of all, thank you for your purchase
Can you send me, please, temporary admin login credentials to your WordPress install, so I can check this issue out? Send it, please, to my email address:
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.
May 17, 2023 at 7:10 am #7567
The topic ‘Ebayomatic issues’ is closed to new replies.