Duplicate Images Out of Bulk Post Creator

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This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 2 months ago by omar.

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  • Author
    • #9345

      Post count: 50

      I have added a series of image URLs that exist in the WP Image Gallery.

      When Bulk AI Post Creator utilises one of that list, it created a duplicate with the post title as the URL etc.

      It would be better if the Post Creator used the URL given, rather than creating a new one each time.

      Any chance you can add a checkbox to the Settings, so that the Image URL is used, rather than uploading, if the URL already exists?


    • #9351

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      Currently, to use the images from the WP Media Gallery, please enter their numeric ID instead of their URL. Like this, a duplicate will not be created for them.

      I hope this helps.


      Szabi – CodeRevolution

    • #9354

      Post count: 50

      Fantastic. <3

      I assume I can still comma seperate a series of Image IDs?

      P.S. Any chance the selection process can be upgraded in the future?

      Imagine sending the list of Image URLs, associated Titles and Alt tags to AI for comparison with the post title, in order to select the image that has the highest relevance.

      That would be outstanding. This would mean selecting images that are more related to the post title, rather than just being random (which is a bit of a downer).

      Thanks again!

    • #9356

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756

      Sure, comma separated list will work.

      Also, yes, I have improvement ideas added to my ideas list.


    • #9360

      Post count: 50

      Thank you!

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