Daily – Automatic Editing Of Existing Posts

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This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #11188

      Post count: 7

      Hi hope all is well and thank you so much for all your help so far.

      I noticed something with AI reviews.

      If i do not set a custom date range and run the reviews once a day – then the time of the daily reviews will be exact each day. This would look odd ?

      The other way i can do it is to set a custom date each day – but that would mean i would need to adjust it each day manually – and will defeat the point of leaving the task running in background.

      The solution I think is to be able to insert a custom time range. Is that possible ?

      Kindly let me know

    • #11189

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4624


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Please note that you can set also dynamic dates to the ‘Set a Custom Comment/Review Date Range’ settings field, for example:
      -10 hours
      +1 hour

      This will be set in function of the current time of your server, when the editing is running.

      Let me know if this helped.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #11190

      Post count: 7

      Hi, that is very helpful. Thank you.

      So for example – if i want the daily schedule to run at 9am but –

      I would like the reviews to be between 6am (start) up to 2am (finish) – how should i place this in date range ?

      Would that be range:

      -21 hours to -7 hours

      • From: -21 hours (6 AM the previous day)
      • To: -7 hours (2 AM the same day)

      would that work?

      And do i enter that in ” <b>Set a Custom Comment/Review Date Range:</b>”

      If so, how do i exactly enter it?

      Kindly let me know


    • #11191

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4624

      You can also enter there hours, like:

      6 am


      2 am


    • #11192

      Post count: 7

      sure –

      -21 hours and -7 hours did not work.

      If i do: 6 am and 2 am

      then at 9am when i run which dates will it be?

      If today is monday and i run at 9am.
      It should be sunday 6am to monday 2am.

      If it is running on tuesday 9am.
      Then it should be monday 6am to tuesday 2am.

      I hope i am making sense. Sorry, may be its me not understanding it properly.

    • #11193

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4624

      Well, I see.

      You can also try:
      6am yesterday
      2am today

      Let me know if this helped.


    • #11194

      Post count: 7

      You are an absolute star! This suggestion sorted it.

      You really care about your support – i can really see that! =)

      One last thing im trying to resolve as well.

      Is there a way to place a start date say – 1st june 2024 and end date 30 sept 2024 – but to avoid the following hours 3am to 5am (starts at 6am).

      If I do a big batch over some months – i am worried if there will be lots of reviews during odd hours in morning i.e. 3am,4am,5am.

      Kindly let me know.

    • #11195

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4624


      Sorry, but this is not possible. Changing these review times can be achieved only manually. Sorry for this, but I noted this idea for upcoming updates.


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