Crawling variations and products image

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This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #5658

      Post count: 5

      Hi there !

      I just need some help to crawl product variations and image because actually it seems
      to crawl the little gallery image and resize them to 480×480 so it make quality loss

      for the variation the problem is that for a product that have 2 variations for example size & color crawlomatic just create one variation “size / color” instead of create 2 separate variations

      I didn’t know how can I do this two things better actually, have you some advice , help please, thanks 🙂

    • #5659

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Please check this tutorial video for help on product variations:

      If this did not help, please send me the URL of the store you wish to scrape and I check it.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #5660

      Post count: 5

      Hello Szabi,

      I look at your video,

      The problem is when there is multiple product variation, crawlomatic combine theses in one unique variation with every possibility instead keeping multiple variation.

      About the product image I need to download the original image format to keep the better quality instead of resizing with the regex, because actually it seems to take little image, and resizing them with regex and so quality is lost, instead of simple find the original image and download it for exemple

      If you need link or access what mail to send you the info ?

      <div id=”gtx-trans” style=”position: absolute; left: 270px; top: 150px;”>
      <div class=”gtx-trans-icon”></div>

    • #5661

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4756


      Currently product attributes can be scraped only as combined strings. This is because the plugin gets access only to the combined string attributes, it is not able to see the attributes separately, as WooCommerce is not adding this data into the HTML of the websites, thus not allowing the plugin to scrape this data from products (only combined attribute data). You can see this in action, if you click ‘View Source’ on a product page (after right clicking on the page in your browser) -> search for the combined attributes strings. You will find the combined attributes, but not the separated attributes. Sorry for this not being possible.

      Regarding the image, please send me an example product URL and I will check how to scrape the original product image. My email is

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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