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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.
December 20, 2022 at 4:50 am #6450
saasmasterParticipantHi, I am getting strange results. For example I wrote title: The main difference of OpenAI GPT vs ChatGPT
Got this result:
OpenAI GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a language model created by Open AI to generate text from data. It has been trained on large amounts of unstructured text and produces human like output, making it suitable for many natural language processing tasks.
<h3>Top Features in Open AI GPT:</h3>
- <b>Data Training: </b>
<li style=”list-style-type: none;”>OpenAI GPT is pre-trained on a huge corpus of English language data which makes it accurate and versatile.
- <b>Accuracy and Flexibility: </b>
<li style=”list-style-type: none;”>It achieves high accuracy when producing outputs since the amount of training data is so massive.
<li style=”list – shape – type: none;”>Moreover, its flexibility renders the model usable with any digital application or platform where both understanding & writing are needed . This includes chatbots , automatic image captioning , sentiment analysis etc . <!– UL –>< LI >< b/tter Natural Language Generation :& gt ; Vou will get more natural generated languages from this popular tool . It uses complex functions that enable better context identification among many other features / can be used to summaries documents offering insights into thousands of articles in seconds! The result are accurate translations that make you think they were written by a real person rather than an artificial intelligence algorithm ! <!– Li –>
< Li >< b/th Transition Mechanism : The’> %r cludet ^At^+cz lgorithm also applies transition mechanisms such as resolving coreference chains structure words according to their dependency relationships and use entities as references during sentence generation—all these greatly improve readability without requiring post hoc corrections .))<!– li–>>;?ULm}nq sVzJU6F E wE7_v {> }a +O i ?eT Q Y •ugh r1 7y / S kXfk
B Szx mQPW]*8 T d EP4 O @ R P Ch 4FGAT < D9Y0S $ H U JKMNO ' q•wxy¡~Z[{
]}¶£¢§©®™±°¨ª«² = ³ VG W X Y Z ¨ [ ] ^ s _ 2 y |}} ¬ ~ RR 0 1 3 5 6 8 9 ! ? ( ) * + ,When working with multiples parts in one document there’s no need to take out individual pieces —the syntax chosen models the hierarchical relation between multiple sentences easily using Structural Sentence Embeddings./> l i—- >>BOT HLLli>>Consistent Performance Despite New Data Sources’k k t˜rNû o5Ć 8 ł» MP û@ ¥ôý “=-ÝRśƒuö Rað welal Its consistent performance even when encountering new kinds of datasets shows how powerful this technology really is. Even though the dataset could contain completely different concepts compared to ones already seen before, the model has proven its capability to still produce reliable results’/il >> ulmbstenzion Mech ans ot hll–> In addition,ChatGpt employs NLP components such as entity extraction from texts, web searches aiming at retrieving images related phrases with respect topredefined contexts.– similarly–it explore ±and incorporate different media sourcesinitsgenerationtenorimize muchanmorehumarlike conversations successfully. Furthermore chat bot encodes information dialog history and also stores ch incoming user messages utilizing transcripts –thus acting upon previous interactions expected within conversation trends further enhancing experience qualitatively & hence proving itself an effective utility relevant tool for industry applications fñperations.–+IL.. MMHREE ui··Ul –> <li Finally provides virtual agentsfor interactive personalized friendly automated customer support system via smoot sensitive QuickResponseTM schemes effectively meeting ACSI satisfaction meter while drastically reducing timecost an labor hours++;CL __ ///)))))))))\==——^^^^^^^^^^____________======//•••••111100000000000**********************///\\////……………………………….. //— —–===***********::::;;””””~~~~~~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@////////////]]]]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[[[[[[[[Updated—–:—————=====@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\\\\\………………..]]]]————–::::::::::;;;;”___
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</ul> - <b>Data Training: </b>
December 20, 2022 at 6:26 am #6451
First of all, thank you for your purchase.
Are these strange results consistent or did you got them once in an article? If you got them only once, this can be from an OpenAI temporary issue, however, if you get these kind of results consistently, this can be caused by some issue in the plugin or its setup.
If you get always similar results, please send me temporary admin login credentials to your site, so I can check on this issue. My email is
Let me know.
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.
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