First of all, thank you for your purchase.
The plugin will set the name of the author of the comments, in the ‘author_name’ field, in the database, directly in the comment entry. It will not create a new WordPress user, but use the default ‘admin’ user and just change it’s name for each comment, with the above method.
However, some themes are not displaying the correct name for comment authors, but they are displaying the name of the author, directly from the data they have about the author, and will ignore the post specific data that the plugin sets.
So, to solve this issue, please contact the developer of the theme you are using, and ask him to display comment authors from the comment database, rather than the user database (which might be incorrect for all comments).
Another option would be changing your current theme, with one that will display comment author names correctly.
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.