First of all, thank you for your purchase.
Yes, you can import products from a specific advertiser. To do so, please enter your advertiser partner’s ID, in the ‘Advertiser IDs’ settings field, in importing rule advanced settings.

Please save settings and run importing.
Regarding WooCommerce product creation, yes, this is also possible. You need to select ‘product’, from the ‘Item Type’ dropdown, when you create/configure your importing rule.
Also, to add custom taxonomies (like categories), to generated WooCommerce products, please use the ‘Post Custom Taxonomies’ settings field, from importing rule settings.
Advanced help on this settings field:
The syntax for this field is the following: custom_taxonomy_name1 => custom_taxonomy_value1A, custom_taxonomy_value1B; custom_taxonomy_name2 => custom_taxonomy_value2A, custom_taxonomy_value2B; … . In custom_taxonomy_valueX, you can use shortcodes. Example (without quotes): ‘cats_taxonomy_field => manualtax1, %%item_image_URL%%; tags_taxonomy_field => manualtax2, %%item_image_URL%%’. You can use the following shortcodes: %%item_intro%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%item_title%%, %%item_content%%, %%item_content_plain_text%%, %%item_url%%, %%item_ad_id%%, %%item_id%%, %%item_buy_now_button%%, %%item_show_image%%, %%item_image_URL%%, %%item_description%%, %%item_ad_id%%, %%item_advertiser_id%%, %%item_advertiser_name%%, %%item_advertiser_category%%, %%item_catalog_id%%, %%item_currency%%, %%item_in_stock%%, %%item_isbn%%, %%item_manufacturer_name%%, %%item_price%%, %%item_sku%%, %%item_manufacturer_sku%%, %%item_retail_price%%, %%item_sale_price%%, %%item_upc%%, %%author%%.
Also, please check the plugin’s tutorial video, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px0uZEecEro
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.