Careeromatic & JobBox

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This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by JVorienv.

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    • #3806

      Post count: 2

      is your plugin necessary to insert in a post the JobBox code provided by OptionCarriere
      If so, how can I integrate it with your plugin?
      Thanks in advance,

    • #3807

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4759


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Currently the plugin is able to use embeds from CarreerJet (not OptionCarriere).

      Available shortcodes in the plugin, for similar functionality as the above embed: [careeromatic-official-job-box][careeromatic-official-search-box][careeromatic-official-search-form][careeromatic-custom-job-search].
      Usage examples:

      [careeromatic-official-job-box keywords=’engineer’ where=’london’ count=’5′ width=’345px’ backgound_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color=’#919294′ font_type=’Arial, sans-serif’ font_size=’13px’ text_color=’#000000′ link_color=’#198ADC’]
      [careeromatic-official-search-box count=’5′ width=’345px’ backgound_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color=’#919294′ font_type=’Arial, sans-serif’ font_size=’13px’ text_color=’#000000′ link_color=’#198ADC’]
      [careeromatic-official-search-form format=’wide’ width=’345px’ backgound_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color=’#919294′ font_type=’Arial, sans-serif’ font_size=’13px’ text_color=’#000000′ link_color=’#198ADC’]
      [careeromatic-custom-job-search what_text=’What:’ what_prefill=”” where_prefill=”” what_description=’Job title, keywords or company name’ where_text=’Where:’ where_description=’City, state or country (optional)’ new_tab=”0″ careerjet_domain=”com” find_text=’find’ width=’auto’ backgound_color=’#FFFFFF’ border_color=’#919294′ border_width=’1px’ font_type=’Arial, sans-serif’ font_size=’13px’ navigation_font_size=’20px’ button_width=’130px’ text_color=’#000000′ link_color=’#198ADC’ ad_density=’3′ max=’7′ sort_results=’no’ contract_type=’any’ contract_period=’any’ content_source=’en_US’ result_div_id=’cjSearchResult’]

      Other available shortcodes: [careeromatic-list-posts] to include a list that contains only posts imported by this plugin, and [careeromatic-display-posts] to include a WordPress like post listing. Usage: [careeromatic-display-posts type=’any/post/page/…’ title_color=’#ffffff’ excerpt_color=’#ffffff’ read_more_text=”Read More” link_to_source=’yes’ order=’ASC/DESC’ orderby=’title/ID/author/name/date/rand/comment_count’ title_font_size=’19px’, excerpt_font_size=’19px’ posts_per_page=number_of_posts_to_show category=’posts_category’ ruleid=’ID_of_careeromatic_rule’].
      Example: [careeromatic-list-posts type=’any’ order=’ASC’ orderby=’date’ posts_per_page=50 category=” ruleid=’0′]
      Example 2: [careeromatic-display-posts include_excerpt=’true’ image_size=’thumbnail’ wrapper=’div’].

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #3810

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    • #3812

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4759
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    • #3814

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