Bulk AI Post Creators – Topic Limit and Title Generation Questions

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This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 days, 12 hours ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #11924

      Post count: 5


      I noticed something strange with the “Bulk AI Post Creators” feature.

      I added 350 topics in the “Auto Generate Post Title Based On Topics (Optional)” field. Once all 350 topics were processed, the tool did not stop. Instead, it kept generating and posting articles on topics that had already been covered.

      Even though I had set it to process each topic only once in the settings, it continued posting, and the logs did not show this message:
      “All topics already processed, nothing to do.”

      So, I deleted the 350 topics since they had already been processed and added 2 test topics instead. This time, it worked correctly—it posted 2 articles and then stopped. The logs showed the expected message:
      “All topics already processed, nothing to do.”

      My question is: Is there a limit on how many topics I can provide? Could 350 topics be too many, causing the system to break?

      Additionally, I have another question:
      If I provide topics through “Post Title List / TXT File URL / RSS Feed URL” (using a TXT file or an RSS feed) and do not enter anything in “Auto Generate Post Title Based On Topics (Optional)”, does the AI use the exact title from my input, or does it still generate a unique title based on the topic?


    • #11927

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4783


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      I tried on my part, I entered a large number of topics and created articles based on them, but I did not manage to reproduce this issue on my part, the plugin stopped processing when the topics were all processed. I am not sure what I miss, please check if this happens again on your part. If yes, send me temp admin login to your site and I check, my email is kisded@yahoo.com

      Also, yes, if the “Auto Generate Post Title Based On Topics (Optional)” is blank, the plugin will use the titles imported from RSS or txt files.

      Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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