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This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.
January 15, 2024 at 5:44 pm #9676
Hi, I have been testing plugin for a few days and I have a few problems. First have to say, great job. It has a few bugs and the text in some check boxes is not clear or it repeats, but I can see a great amount of work put in it.
So at this point I am not able to generate articles on automatic for a cooking recipes blog because for some reason some things are missing from the generated content (like the featured image) and the generated text is not consistent or coherent with the instructions (I know you can’t control what the AI generates, but it seems that the plugin is not sending the prompts correctly when using the AI Assistant).
I give you some details next. I know your time is very valuable, no rush to answer, but please help me:1. (question) When using AI Assistant (instead of picking an AI model) how are the prompts sent during “Single AI Post Creator” and “Bulk AI Post Creator” in Advanced mode?? I would like to know the exact order in which each prompt is sent.
2. (bug) “Single AI Post Creator” doesn’t generate a featured image when I choose AI, and with Royalty free fails to find any image most of the times. I have all API keys set.
3. (bug) “Single AI Post Creator” doesn’t generate the article excerpt when using AI Assistant, although it is configured to do it.
4. (bug) When using the AI directly in the article text editor and I choose the prompt: “Generate an image of this” it will sometimes fail, although in the logs I see the URL of the recently generated image and it seems to be a valid image. There is no error in the logs afterwards so it is really confusing because it clearly spends the tokens because there is a link with the image but it says it has failed.
5. (feature) “Single AI Post Creator” is missing some options in Settings that “Bulk AI Post Creator” has. For example in the section “Image Generator Options:” is missing “Prompt For The AI Image Generator”, “AI Image Model”, “Generated Image Size” and “Default Featured Image List” and I guess this is the reason why the is no Featured Image generated with “Single AI Post Creator”.
6. (feature) “Single AI Post Creator” is missing sections “Post Category Options” and “Post Tag Options”, and all related options.
7. (feature) I suspect that you initiate a new thread for each prompt, which makes the AI to sometimes give responses unrelated with each other in the same generated article. This creates another problem: I spent 500k tokens in a few hours by simply doing some tests using this plugin, which is insane, because I do same tests on the OpenAI Playground and is only 20k – 30k tokens. There are too many requests and I suspect is because my initial instructions are very very long and complex and instead of taking advantage of 1 thread, the plugin creates multiple threads and this incurs in a big expense.
It would be nice if the plugin was able to use same thread always indefinitely, even across multiple jobs and not limited in time.8. (bug) I am NOT satisfied with the AI response I get with “Single AI Post Creator” and “Bulk AI Post Creator” because is not 100% following my initial instructions to the AI Assistant, but “AI Content Writer” (found in the article edition window) works well.
9. (feature) “AI Content Writer” is missing the option to generate and set “SEO Keywords” and “AI Category Generator”. It has “Generate A SEO Title”, “Generate A SEO Meta Description”, “Content Prompt”, “Short Description Prompt” and “Tags Prompt” but no “SEO Keywords” and no “AI Category Generator”. The “AI Category Generator” is available only in “Bulk AI Post Creator”, although the “SEO Keywords” are nowhere to be seen. There is a SEO related tab “AI Taxonomy SEO” in plugin configuration but it doesn’t apply to “AI Content Writer”.
10. (feature) Plugin config options tab “AI Taxonomy SEO” is missing “SEO Keywords” section. For some reason you don’t give importance to SEO keywords.
11. (text) Plugin config options tab “Bulk Posts” the option “Convert Markdown To HTML In AI Generated Post Content” has a wrong description saying “Select if you want to use the Bing search results to get related headings for created articles.”, completely unrelated and it doesn’t detail what HTML markdown it generates, how or any details about it.
12. (feature/bug) When configuring “Single AI Post Creator” and “Bulk AI Post Creator”, the checkbox “Use the Above Content Prompt To Create The Entire Article (Not Each Section)” does not disable the sections, if I leave the “Number Of Content Sections To Generate” empty it will still generate headings for the sections with no content. You have to specifically put a 0 (zero) to stop generating the headings. Not sure if it is meant like that. It would be nice if everything related to sections completely disappeared upon checking this checkbox.
13. (improvement) AI Embeddings are not working and in logs there is no relevant info. I enabled detailed logs and still no info of what is wrong. I don’t even understand what they are for, but after configuring everything this is what I see in logs:
[13-Jan-2024 21:19:55 UTC] Embeddings failed for chat: Array
[status] => error
[data] =>
)14. (info/feature) Looking in the logs I see “Internet results” with lots of useful information and is not clear how that info is used. I would like to be able to use it in a initial prompt for example: using a Topic or Keyword be able to generate list of titles. I see in “Title Generator Method” -> “Related SERP Searches” but I don’t understand completely how that works.
15. (bug) It seams that after “Article Intro Prompt” the AI sometimes writes the “Title Prompt” and there is no way of disabling that. Most of the times the “Title Prompt” appears in the generated text exactly as written in settings. Really strange. It makes me question how are prompts put together and sent. I can mark the checkbox to “Strip Title From Content” but I don’t know if that will stop inserting it from the beginning or consume more server resources to actually strip it after it was added. The problem is that if it strips it, it will not remove the entire prompt. And with my prompts in OpenAI Playground the AI never ever adds the title in the description. Is something strange the plugin does when sending the prompts.
16. (feature) In “Bulk AI Post Creator” there should be a warning before Saving with an empty “Post Title List / TXT File URL / RSS Feed URL*”. Although in the settings you can make that field useless and it is not needed any more, if you leave the field empty and you save, it will completely delete that rule, which is very disappointing.
17. (feature) There should be a tab in Plugin Options that shows all necessary PHP requirements and extension and if they are installed. It took me 3 days to realize that ‘finfo’ is required and was not enabled.
18. (opinion) Just a very opinionated suggestion. The amount of options and settings is overwhelming. I have been several hours configuring the plugin and when I start testing I find my self with a dozen things that don’t work as they should.
My humble suggestion is to hide most of the options at start especially when setting up “Single AI Post Creator” and “Bulk AI Post Creator”, and only show things that the user requests. Having lots of options is great for customization but having to constantly setup options that I never use is time consuming and it ends up being frustrating.
I know that UI design is very time consuming, especially when you constantly keep adding new stuff, but had to tell you about.Thank you for your time and dedication. I wait patiently for your answer. Thank you.
January 15, 2024 at 6:32 pm #9677
First of all, thank you for your purchase.
1. Prompts are sent in order of them appearing in settings, as shown in this screenshot: – same is valid also for Bulk AI Post Creator
2. 3. 4. Please send me temporary admin login credentials to your site and I check on these issues. My email is
5. 6. These features which are missing are not applicable for the Single AI Post creator, they are specific only for the Bulk creator, as images are not directly created in the Single AI Post Creator.
7. No, the thread is continued for the same post, not reinitiated. However, I also saw that in some cases, even the AI is in the same thread, it forgets things about prior conversations. This should be fixed on OpenAI’s part.
8. Please give an example of this, so I can get a better understanding of what you mean.
9. 10. Noted.
11. Fixed.
12. Noted.
13. Please check details about the embeddings:
14. Yes, understanding logs can be a bit tricky. I have this on my todo list, to make things more clear.
15. Interesting, I noted this. Not seems to happen on my part.
16. Sounds good, noted.
17. This is available in ‘Activity and Logging’ menu -> ‘System Info’ tab.
18. Yes, I know this. Not sure how to tackle complexity, it is indeed the most challenging part in developing this plugin…
Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.
January 20, 2024 at 6:29 pm #9711
Thank you very much, for your answer.
Unfortunately for now I had to move away from this plugin because I can’t find the reason of the high OpenAI cost it incurs into while using this. I run 4 times the “Single AI Post Creator” and 2 times the “Bulk AI Post Creator” set for 3 articles.
In total I ended up with just 2 articles created and it cost me more then 11€, because there were some errors like section headers showing only two dots “:”, and some articles directly didn’t apear.
The cost is simply to high. I created with same prompt over 40 articles and it cost me under 4€
I will not request a refund since I can see all the hard work and I trust that the plugin will get better in time.
I congratulate you for everything done and will keep in touch.
January 20, 2024 at 8:30 pm #9712
I suggest you check other AI providers which the plugin supports, like Anthropic Claude or Google Gemini Pro. They are free at the moment, please check:
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