adding more content to pages already generated

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This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 1 month ago by Szabi – CodeRevolution.

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  • Author
    • #6732

      Post count: 5

      Hi There,

      We have 3 rules already running with over 350 pages of content based on places around the world. Now i do wanna add some more content to those pages on top of the already excisting. Offcours not by hand 🙂

      Is there a way that we can do this within te plugin?

      With regards,


    • #6733

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4783


      First of all, thank you for your purchase.

      Currently, adding content to existing pages is possible only manually, from the edit screen of each post.

      However, you can combine the Aiomatic plugin with the Kraken Post Editor plugin to automatically add content to your existing posts. You will need to use the nested shortcode feature, as shown in this tutorial video:

      Please note that it is recommended to backup your site before editing posts in bulk, just to be sure that you can revert unwanted changes.

      Regards, Szabi – CodeRevolution.

    • #6734

      Post count: 5

      Superb, so than we can add extra content to the excisting pages.

      Can u give me an example how to use aiomatic and the plugin at onze.

      For example.

      I was to add this to the excisting content with aiomatic..
      Add more content about “post title” and use 3 headings with at least 300 words

      And can u give me an example how to use this in combination with ACF.

      For example. I made a extra field in a page which needs te be filled after aiomatic already created the 300 pages.

      This fields has a name exampe_a, and i need to add , Add more content about “post title” and use 3 headings with at least 300 words .

      This would help me big time!!

      Than i can buy the kraken post editor

    • #6735

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4783

      Tutorial video showing this:

      You can use the [aiomatic-article static_content=”on”] shortcode to generate a static addition to posts.

      Regarding custom fields, sorry, but adding content to them is not currently supported by neither of my plugins.


    • #6736

      Post count: 5

      Will the acf function be available in the future?

      With regards

    • #6737

      Szabi – CodeRevolution
      Post count: 4783

      I noted this idea to my todo list, will check on it in upcoming updates.


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