Frequently Asked Questions

How to interpret the rule running visual indicators (red X, yellow diamond, green tick) from inside plugins?

Confused about rule running status icons? These are the possible Rule Visual Status Indicators:

Running In Progress – Importing is Running
OK Success – New Posts Created
Faield Failed – An Error Occured. Please check ‘Activity and Logging’ plugin menu for details
NoChange No Change – No New Posts Created – Possible reasons:
  • ► Already all posts are published that match your search and posts will be posted when new content will be available
  • ► Some restrictions you defined in the plugin’s ‘Main Settings’ (example: ‘Minimum Content Word Count’, ‘Maximum Content Word Count’, ‘Minimum Title Word Count’, ‘Maximum Title Word Count’, ‘Banned Words List’, ‘Required Words List’, ‘Skip Posts Without Images’) prevent posting of new posts.
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