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[aiomatic-article] Shortcode Documentation

The [aiomatic-article] shortcode is used to generate dynamic content for your WordPress site using Aiomatic. This shortcode allows for the creation of articles with specified parameters such as article seed expression, model settings, image inclusion, and more.


Here is a detailed description of each parameter available in the shortcode:

  • seed_expre: The seed expression for the article. This is the initial text prompt given to the AI to generate the content. (Default: ”)
  • temperature: Controls the randomness of the AI output. A higher value like 1 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. (Default: 1)
  • top_p: Controls the diversity via nucleus sampling. A value of 1 means taking the most probable tokens (the top P percentage of token probability mass). (Default: 1)
  • assistant_id: Optional identifier for the assistant. (Default: ”)
  • model: Specifies the AI model to be used for generating the article. (Default: ‘gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct’)
  • presence_penalty: Adjusts the likelihood of the AI to talk about new topics. (Default: 0)
  • frequency_penalty: Penalizes the model for repeating lines. (Default: 0)
  • min_char: The minimum number of characters for the generated article. (Default: ”)
  • max_tokens: The maximum number of tokens for the generated article. (Default: 2048)
  • max_seed_tokens: The maximum number of tokens for the seed expression. (Default: 500)
  • max_continue_tokens: The maximum number of tokens for continued generations. (Default: 500)
  • images: Number of images to include in the article. (Default: ”)
  • headings: Number of headings to include in the article. (Default: ”)
  • videos: Specifies whether to include videos. Options are ‘on’ or ‘off’. (Default: ‘off’)
  • static_content: Determines if the content should be static (automatically updated in the content where the shortcode is added). Options are ‘on’ or ‘off’. (Default: ‘off’)
  • cache_seconds: The duration for which the generated content should be cached (in seconds). (Default: 2592000)
  • headings_model: Specifies the AI model to be used for generating headings. (Default: ‘gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct’)
  • headings_seed_expre: Seed expression for generating headings. (Default: ‘Write %%needed_heading_count%% PAA related questions, each on a new line, for the title: %%post_title%%’)
  • no_internet: If set to ‘1’, ‘on’, or ‘yes’, the AI will generate content without internet access. (Default: ‘0’)

Example Usage

Here is an example usage of the [aiomatic-article] shortcode with various parameters set:

[aiomatic-article seed_expre="Write an informal article about Climate Change" temperature="1" top_p="1" assistant_id="" model="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct" presence_penalty="0" frequency_penalty="0" min_char="500" max_tokens="2048" max_seed_tokens="500" max_continue_tokens="500" images="2" headings="3" videos="on" static_content="off" cache_seconds="2592000" headings_model="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct" headings_seed_expre="Write %%needed_heading_count%% PAA related questions, each on a new line, for the title: %%post_title%%" no_internet="0"]

In this example, the shortcode will generate an informal article about climate change with the following properties:

  • Uses the ‘gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct’ model.
  • Generates a minimum of 500 characters and a maximum of 2048 tokens.
  • Includes 2 images and 3 headings in the article.
  • Videos are turned on.
  • The content is not static and will be cached for 30 days.
  • Headings will be generated using the provided headings seed expression.
  • The article will be generated with internet access enabled.

How to Use

  1. Insert the Shortcode: Place the shortcode [aiomatic-article] in the content area of your post or page.
  2. Customize Parameters: Adjust the parameters to fit the specific needs of your content generation.
  3. Publish: Publish your post or page. The shortcode will dynamically generate the content based on the parameters specified.

This documentation should help you effectively use the [aiomatic-article] shortcode to generate AI-powered content on your WordPress site.

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