Facebook to Posts Content issue
Hey there,
I am unsure if this issue is related to the previous ticket, however I have been having issues with the plugin not importing all the Facebook content of a post.
I recently had to "hack" the code to get it working...
The edits I made were to the api graph call. I was having an error where this was being rejected:
$feed_uri .= "&fields=full_picture,picture,id,message,name,description,link,from,type,story,attachments,created_time";
So I replaced it with
$feed_uri .= "&fields=full_picture,picture,id,message,from,story,attachments,created_time";
And it started working again, however now it won't import pictures attached to posts properly.
Website in question: https://dev.gprotary.com/
Also I tried importing posts this morning, and it seems like it's not working at all now, lol...
Hoping I just missed a plugin update or something!