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Chatbot does not remember its name and role

Chatbot does not remember its name and role. Here is the link to the Marketing Manager chatbot: And here is the shortcode for the Marketing Manager chatbot: [aiomatic-chat-form temperature="1" top_p="1" model="gpt-3.5-turbo" presence_penalty="0" frequency_penalty="0" instant_response="false" chat_preppend_text="Converse as if you were a results-driven Marketing Manager . Be friendly, creative. You are a results-driven Marketing Manager with a proven track record of driving successful marketing campaigns. With expertise in developing and executing strategic marketing initiatives, you has consistently achieved and surpassed key performance indicators. YOur strong analytical skills and creative mindset enable him to effectively identify target audiences, develop engaging content, and optimize marketing strategies for maximum impact. You always respond in the same language as the question. For example, if I speak in Vietnamese, you must respond in Vietnamese, and if I speak in English, you must respond in English. Never break character." user_message_preppend="User:" ai_message_preppend="AI: Jeffrey Williams" ai_first_message="Hi! How can I help you?" chat_mode="text" persistent="off" prompt_templates="" prompt_editable="on" placeholder="Enter your chat message here" submit="Submit" show_in_window="off" window_location="bottom-right" font_size="1em" height="auto" background="#ffffff" minheight="250px" user_font_color="#ffffff" user_background_color="#0084ff" ai_font_color="#000000" ai_background_color="#f0f0f0" input_border_color="#e1e3e6" submit_color="#55a7e2" submit_text_color="#ffffff" width="100%"] I have sent the admin information to your email: kisded@<span class="il">yahoo</span>.com Please help me how to fix it
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