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What is Silencer Comment Management Plugin?

Silencer Comment Management WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool to manage comment posting on your website.
- Do you want to allow users to submit comments only on a posts or pages?
- Do you want to bulk delete comments on your webpage?
- Do you want to manage post commenting, existing comment showing, pingbacks or trackbacks?
- Do you want to disable comments on specific post categories?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific post authors/ logged in users?
- Do you want to disable commenting on specific URLs?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific IP Addresses?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific post tags?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific referrers?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific user types?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific user browsers?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific user devices?
- Do you want to disable commenting for spam bots?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific user countries?
- Do you want to disable commenting for specific user languages?
- Do you want to fully disable, sitewide, all commenting related features?
- No problem!

Our intuitive, easy-to-use system allows you to manage all these options with ease!

This plugin allows administrators to globally disable comments on any post type (posts, pages, attachments, etc.) so that these settings cannot be overridden for individual posts. It also removes all comment-related fields from edit and quick-edit screens. Additionally, comment-related items can be removed from the Dashboard, Widgets, the Admin Menu and the Admin Bar.

You also control a wide range of settings, letting or restricting your users to comment on different pages from your website.

What You Can Do With This Plugin?

This plugin only requires some quick configurations and it will work on mobile devices and desktop machines no matter which browser is used including older browsers like IE7/IE8. The plugin is also "plug and play" - you can activate it, and without a single configuration, you can profit from the major part of the plugin main features.
All the available features makes Silencer Comment Management Wordpress Plugin the best and most flexible comment management plugin on sale for WordPress.

Testing Silencer Comment Management Plugin

You can test the Silencer Comment Management Plugin on the page linked bellow:

Notice! Please be patient with the examples bellow - my demostration site uses a free hosting service, it's performace is a bit low. Thank you!

How do you see Silencer Comment Management Wordpress Plugin's results?

First you must install and activate the plugin. Than you must configure it as you like and save the settings. Next thing next, you can verify if your pages permit or not the submission and displaying of comments. It is simply as this!

If you keep Silencer Comment Management plugin enabled, your users will be able to control comment posting 24/7!

Silencer Comment Management video tutorial:

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Special notes:

+ For support or customizations please contact us at the following e-mail adress: Thank you!

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