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[aiomatic-article] Shortcode Documentation

The [aiomatic-article] shortcode is used to generate dynamic content for your WordPress site using Aiomatic. This shortcode allows for the creation of articles with specified parameters such as article seed expression, model settings, image inclusion, and more.


Here is a detailed description of each parameter available in the shortcode:

Example Usage

Here is an example usage of the [aiomatic-article] shortcode with various parameters set:

[aiomatic-article seed_expre="Write an informal article about Climate Change" temperature="1" top_p="1" assistant_id="" model="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct" presence_penalty="0" frequency_penalty="0" min_char="500" max_tokens="2048" max_seed_tokens="500" max_continue_tokens="500" images="2" headings="3" videos="on" static_content="off" cache_seconds="2592000" headings_model="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct" headings_seed_expre="Write %%needed_heading_count%% PAA related questions, each on a new line, for the title: %%post_title%%" no_internet="0"]

In this example, the shortcode will generate an informal article about climate change with the following properties:

How to Use

  1. Insert the Shortcode: Place the shortcode [aiomatic-article] in the content area of your post or page.
  2. Customize Parameters: Adjust the parameters to fit the specific needs of your content generation.
  3. Publish: Publish your post or page. The shortcode will dynamically generate the content based on the parameters specified.

This documentation should help you effectively use the [aiomatic-article] shortcode to generate AI-powered content on your WordPress site.

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