Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via our email. Thanks so much!
Configure your next Google ready WordPress site in less than 5 minutes!
What if I would tell you that you could skip the most boring part of launching a new WordPress site? Configuring a WordPress installation is a repetitive and boring task you need to do each time you set up a new website
Going through the same site configuration process, each time, over and over again. This can be excruciating!
Here are some of the repetitive tasks that you do each time you set up a new site:
Removing all sample posts, pages and comments
Setting up site name, admin email, timezone, language and other site settings
Setting up full site SEO settings
Creating the must have pages of any modern site, like: "Contact Us", "About Us", "Privacy Policy", "Terms of Service", "Affiliate Disclaimer" and many more
Making sure your site is GDPR compliant and has a cookie notice
Installing and setting up plugins and the theme you are going to use on your site
Setting up site security settings and making sure you are not exposed to hackers
Setting up social sharing buttons for your content
Setting up monetization for your site using AdSense or affiliate marketing
Optimizing page load speed
And the task list could go on and on...
Suddenly, you realized that 2 tiresome hours have passed and you still have to start creating landing pages and content for your new site.
If you would have wished for a solution that could simplify and speed up the setup process of new sites, I would fully understand you!
Luckily, you are on the right place! I present to you the WP Setup Wizard plugin! This is an all-in-one plugin which is able to set up your new WordPress site using a "Quick Setup Wizard" interface.
Do you remember installing Windows programs with their easy to use setup wizard installers? Start up the installer wizard, click a couple of times "Next-Next-Next" and the program is installed!
Now, the same streamlined setup experience is available also while setting up your new WordPress site!
YouTube video tutorial playlist (please check all videos from it, using the playlist button from the top right side of the video):
I also provided a Quick Install Guide to feature an easy plugin installation for everyone.
To make this plugin work, first, you'll need to install the plugin. The easiest method is to take the .zip file you've downloaded and upload it via Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin in the WordPress Dashboard. Once the plugin is installed, be sure to Activate it.
Now that you've installed and activated the plugin, you'll see a new menu item created inside WordPress called 'WP Setup Wizard'. First thing first, let's head over to Settings > WP Setup Wizard and take a look at what options are available.
Refreshingly, WP Setup Wizard has a super-simple settings screen. Let's look at first at the settings panel:
Here you can find the steps needed in configuring your plugin even if you have no HTML knowledge at all. You can find options for:
HINT! Don't forget to click the Save button every time you modified your settings, otherwise the modifications will be lost!
Site Settings:
Site Title: Set the title of this site.
Tagline: In a few words, explain what this site is about.
Site Favicon: Do you want to change the WordPress favicon?
Admin Email: This address is used for admin purposes. No email confirmation is needed for the new address.
Change "Uncategorized" Category Name: Set the name of the default WordPress category.
Set Site Permalink Structure: Set the site permalink structure. Available tags: %year%, %monthnum%, %day%, %hour%, %minute%, %second%, %post_id%, %postname%, %category%, %author%
Users Can Register: Do you want to allow new members to register on your site?
New User Default Role: Set the default user role for newly registered users.
Mail From Email Address: Set the email address (from address) for all emails generated by WordPress.
Mail From Name: Set the 'from name' (of the email) for all emails generated by WordPress.
Site Language: Set website language.
Site Timezone: Set website timezone. Choose either a city in the same timezone as you or a UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time offset.
Date Format: Set website date format
Time Format: Set website time format
Automatically Delete All:
Posts Do you want to delete all posts from this website? Warning, irreversible action!
Pages Do you want to delete all pages from this website? Warning, irreversible action!
Categories Do you want to delete all categories from this website? Warning, irreversible action!
Tags Do you want to delete all tags from this website? Warning, irreversible action!
Attachments Do you want to delete all attachments from this website? Warning, irreversible action!
Comments Do you want to delete all comments from this website? Warning, irreversible action!
Cleanup Unnecessary Database Entries
Database Cleanup Delete unnecessary entries from the WordPress database.
Automatically Create Content
"About Us" Page Do you want to automatically create an "About Us" page?
"Contact Us" Page Do you want to automatically create an "Contact Us" page?
"Affiliate Disclosure" Page Do you want to automatically create an "Affiliate Disclosure" page?
"Amazon Affiliate Disclosure" Page Do you want to automatically create an "Amazon Affiliate Disclosure" page?
"AntiSpam Policy" Page Do you want to automatically create an "AntiSpam Policy" page?
"Cookie Policy" Page Do you want to automatically create a "Cookie Policy" page?
"GDPR Requests" Page Do you want to automatically create a "GDPR Requests" page?
"Copyright Policy" Page Do you want to automatically create a "Copyright Policy" page?
"Earnings Disclaimer" Page Do you want to automatically create an "Earnings Disclaimer" page?
"Medical Disclaimer" Page Do you want to automatically create a "Medical Disclaimer" page?
"Privacy Policy" Page Do you want to automatically create a "Privacy Policy" page?
"Terms of Service" Page Do you want to automatically create a "Terms of Service" page?
Create Blank Posts Enter a list of comma separated post titles to create.
Create Blank Pages Enter a list of comma separated page titles to create.
Create Categories Enter a list of comma separated list of categories to create.
Create Tags Enter a list of comma separated list of tags to create.
Create Dummy Content Do you want to create dummy posts and pages for this site?
Commenting Related Settings
New Comment Email Notification E-mail admin when anyone posts a comment.
Comment Moderation Email Notification E-mail me when comment is held for moderation.
Enforce Comment Moderation Do you want to enforce comment moderation for all submitted comments?
Disable Comments for Posts Do you want to disable comments for posts?
Disable Comments for Pages Do you want to disable comments for pages?
Enable Facebook Comments Replace WordPress comments with Facebook comments.
Commenting Related Settings
JPG Upload Image Quality Set the quality of uploaded images. Higher number represents higher quality and file size.
Remove EXIF Data From Images Do you want to remove EXIF data from uploaded images?
Watermark Uploaded Images Do you want to automatically watermark uploaded images? The watermark image must be in png format.
Header/Footer Content Settings
Header JavaScript Code Do you want to add JavaSript code to the header of the page? You can add Facebook Pixel code, Google Analytics code and anything else.
Footer JavaScript Code Do you want to add JavaSript code to the footer of the page?
CSS Code Do you want to add CSS code to the page?
"Under Construction Mode" Page Settings
Allow Only Logged-In User Access Do you want to allow access only to logged in users to your site?
Enable "Under Construction Mode" Do you want to enable 'Under Construction Mode' on your site?
"Under Construction Mode" Page Content: Set the content of the 'Under Construction' page. To disable this feature, leave this field blank.
Cookie Consent Notice
Enable the "Cookie Consent Notice": Do you want to enable the cookie consent notice on your site?
Show Cookie Notice Only To Visitors Located In The EU: Do you want to show cookie notice only to visitors that are located inside the territory of the EU?
Cookie Notice Text: Set the cookie notice text that should appear in the cookie notice.
Accept Button Text: Set the accept button text that should appear in the cookie notice.
Decline Button Text: Set the decline button text that should appear in the cookie notice.
Learn More Button Text: Set the learn more button text that should appear in the cookie notice.
Learn More Button URL: Set the learn more button URL that should appear in the cookie notice.
Decline Button URL: Set the decline button URL that should appear in the cookie notice.
Cookie Notice Position: Set the position of the cookie notice.
Show Cookie Notice Again After (Days): Set the amount of days after which the cookie consent will be shown again to the same visitor. Default is 30
Legal Pages Selector
Assign the "Privacy Policy" Page Select the privacy policy page for your site.
Assign the "Terms and Conditions" Page Select the terms and conditions page for your site.
Assign the "Cookie Policy" Page Select the cookie policy page for your site.
Assign the "GDPR Requests" Page Select the GDPR requests page for your site.
Privacy Policy Page Generator
Site Name Enter the name of your site.
Company Name (Optional) Enter the name of company (optional).
Email Address Enter your email address.
Address Enter your address.
Country Enter your country's name.
Hosting Company's Name Enter your hosting company's name.
Your Autoresponder Service (if any) Enter your autoresponder serivce name (if any).
Other Services With Data Access (if any) Enter a list of other services that have access to your data (if any).
Privacy Policy Page Title Enter the title of the Privacy Policy Page to be created.
Terms and Conditions Page Generator
Site Name Enter the name of your site.
Site URL Enter the URL of your site
Email Address Enter your email address.
Country Enter your country's name.
State Enter your state.
Terms and Conditions Page Title Enter the title of the Terms and Conditions Page to be created.
Medical Disclaimer Check if you wish to add a 'medical disclaimer' section in the generated page.
Online Payments: Check if you wish to add an 'online payments' section in the generated page.
Payment Processor Name: Enter the name of the payment processor you are using.
Payment Processor Address: Enter the address of the payment processor you are using.
California Transparency Act: Check if you wish to add a 'California Transparency Act' section in the generated page.
Subcontracting Check if you wish to add a 'subcontracting' section in the generated page.
Training Or Development for Employees: Check if you wish to add an 'training or development for employees' section in the generated page.
Users Can Create Accounts: Check if users can create accounts on your site.
You Can Terminate User Accounts: Check if you can terminate accounts of users on your site.
Cookie Policy Page Generator
Site Name Enter the name of your site.
Site URL Enter the URL of your site
Email Address Enter your email address.
Your Website Uses Cookies For Select the checkboxes that apply in your case.
Third Party Services Check the third party services that are active on your site, that also use cookies./li>
Cookie Policy Page Title Enter the title of the Cookie Policy Page to be created.
Contact Form URL (Optional) Input the URL where people can contact you regarding the Cookie Policy.
Contact Phone Number (Optional): Input your contact phone number for Cookie Policy queries.
GDPR Requests Page Generator
GDPR Requests Page Title Enter the title of the GDPR Requests Page to be created.
GDPR Page Redirect
Redirect Visitors To Page Select the the page where to redirect visitors.
Redirect After Accepted Select the the page where to redirect visitors after they accepted the contents of the redirected page.
Redirect Logged In Users Select if you wish to redirect visitors that are logged in to the page you select. They will be redirected until they accept the contents of the page. The page can be a Privacy Policy page or a Terms and Conditions page. You can force visitors to accept these terms beore accessing your site.
Redirect Not Logged In Users Select if you wish to redirect visitors that are not logged in to the page you select. They will be redirected until they accept the contents of the page. The page can be a Privacy Policy page or a Terms and Conditions page. You can force visitors to accept these terms beore accessing your site.
Redirect Only EU Visitors Select if you wish to redirect only visitors from the EU zone.
Page Version Number Enter the version number of your page. If you change this, the redirect will appear again also for all visitors that already accepted the page.
Text To Show On Top Of The Redirected Page Add the text that should appear on the top of the redirected page.
Text To Show On Bottom Of The Redirected Page Add the text that should appear on the bottom of the redirected page.
GDPR Compliance
Do Not Accept Traffic From EU Visitors Check if you do not want to accept traffic from EU visitors. In this case, your website will not need to be GDPR compliant.
EU Visitors Redirect URL Set the redirect URL for EU visitors. This works only if the above checkbox is checked.
EU Visitors Not Allowed Text Set the text that will appear to EU visitors who are not allowed on your website. This works only if the above checkbox is checked and the 'EU Visitors Redirect URL' is left blank. The default text is (if you leave this field blank): 'Sorry, but we are not accepting traffic from the EU region.'
Show Comments Cookies Opt-In Checkbox Enable the cookie consent checkbox for comment form. This might not have an effect if your theme is using a custom comment form.
Manual Theme Installer
Theme URL List to Install Add a comma separated list of WordPress theme URLs to install automatically. The URL can be a repository URL: or the direct URL to the zip file:
Activate Last Theme From The List Do you want to also activate the last of the above themes, after installation?
Manual Theme Installer
Plugin URL List to Install Add a comma separated list of WordPress plugin URLs to install automatically. The URL can be a repository URL: or the direct URL to the zip file:
Activate Last Plugin From The List Do you want to also activate the above plugins, after installation?
Security Settings
Limit Login Attempts Count Do you want to limit login attempts? To disable this feature, leave this field blank.
Change WordPress Login URL Do you want to change the WordPress default login URL from wp-login.php to a custom one? To disable this feature, leave this field blank.
Enforce HTTPS on Front End Do you want to enforce https for the front end for WordPress?
Enforce HTTPS on Admin Backend Do you want to enforce https for the admin backend for WordPress?
Disable Right Click on Front End Do you want to disable right click on front end?
Disable Text Selection on Front End Do you want to disable right click on front end?
Captcha Integration
Recaptcha v3 Site Key Set your Recaptcha v3 Site Key. You can get one, here:
Recaptcha v3 Site Secret Set your Recaptcha v3 Site Secret. You can get one, here:
Enable Captcha for the [wpsw-gdpr-form] Shortcode Do you want to enable captcha for the [wpsw-gdpr-form] shortcode?
Enable Captcha for the [wpsw-contact-form] Shortcode Do you want to enable captcha for the [wpsw-contact-form] shortcode?
Enable Captcha in the Login Form Do you want to enable captcha for the login form?
Enable Captcha for the Comments Form Do you want to enable captcha for the comments form?
Database Backup
Full Database Backup Click this button to start a full database backup. This operation will result in a backup file with SQL commands, that will be able to be used when to restore the same database as you have right now on your website. Help on executing SQL statements from file:
SEO Settings
Enable SEO Meta Tags Check this checkbox to enable SEO meta tag creation for your site. It will create Facebook, Twitter and generic SEO meta tags.
Discourage Search Engines From Indexing Your Site Check this checkbox to tell search engines to not index your site.
Enable Robots.txt File Generation Do you want to enable the creation of the robots.txt file for your site? It will be found in the root of your site /robots.txt
Robots.txt File Content Add the content of the robots.txt file that will be created. To reset the value of this field to default, clear it's content and save settings.
Redirect 404 Errors to Home Page Do you want to redirect 404 errors to home page?
Local Business SEO
Enable SEO Business Information Metadata Check this checkbox to enable SEO meta tag creation for your site. It will create Facebook, Twitter and generic SEO meta tags.
Select Business Type* Select the type of the business you are running on this website.
Business Name* Set your business name. If left empty, site name will be used.
Business Description* Set your business description. Keep under 150 characters. This is very important, be descriptive. If left empty, site description will be used.
Business Logo URL Set your business logo URL. Not Required.
Accepted Payment Types (Optional) Set your accepted payment types.
Select Business Price Range Select the price range of your business.
Business Street Address Set your business street address.
Business City* Set your business city.
Business State* Set your business state.
Business Zip Code Set your business zip code.
Business Country Set your business country.
Enable Geolocation API Check this checkbox to geolocation services to determine the latitude and longitude of your business.
Business Email Set your business email.
Business Phone Number Set your business phone number.
Business Fax Number Set your business fax number.
Business Open Hour Set business opening hour.
Business Close Hour Set your business closing hour.
Business Days Open Set your business days open.
Enable SEO Ratings Check this checkbox to enable SEO rating meta.
Rating Value Set your business rating value.
Rating Best Value Set your best business rating value.
Rating Worst Value Set your worst business rating value.
Rating Count Set your business rating count.
Social Settings
Enable Social Share Buttons Check this checkbox to enable social sharing buttons on your site.
Show on Post Types Select the post types for which to activate the sharing buttons.
Sharing Buttons Position Select the position of the sharing buttons.
Sharing Buttons Alignment Select the alignment of the sharing buttons.
Sharing Buttons To Enable Select the sharing buttons to enable.
Enable "Pin It" Feature For Images Check this checkbox to enable the 'Pin It' feature for images from your site.
Affiliate Keyword Replacer Tool Settings
ID This is the ID of the rule.
Del Do you want to delete this rule?
Search Keyword This keyword will be replaced with a link you define.
Replacement Keyword This keyword will replace the search keyword you define. Leave this field blank if you only want to add an URL to the specified keyword.
Link to Add Define the link you want to appear the defined keyword. Leave this field blank if you only want to replace the specified keyword without linking from it.
Target Content Select if you want to make this rule target post title, content or both.
AdSense Auto Ads Settings
AdSense Publisher ID Enter your Google AdSense Publisher ID, for example: pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amazon Affiliate Settings
Enable Amazon Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
Amazon Associate ID (Required) Insert your Amazon Associate ID. Learn how to get one here Also, you need to sign up for Amazon Affiliate program here Please note that starting from 2019, Amazon requires your account to generate at least 1 sales in the last 30 days, before they allow access to the Amazon Product API.
Amazon Access Key ID (Optional) Insert your Amazon Access Key ID. Learn how to get one here Also, you need to sign up for Amazon Affiliate program here If you do not enter a value here, the plugin will use direct scraping method to get products.
Amazon Secret Access Key (Optional) Insert your Amazon Secret Access Key. Learn how to get one here Also, you need to sign up for Amazon Affiliate program here If you do not enter a value here, the plugin will use direct scraping method to get products.
Amazon Target Country Select the country where you have registered your affiliate account.
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
Amazon Category Select the Amazon Category you want to search in. This feature works only if you add an Amazon API key and secret.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Product Images Select if you wish to show product images in generated ads.
Image Width Set the Width of Images.
Image Height Set the Height of Images.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
eBay Affiliate Settings
Enable eBay Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
Auction Request ID* (Required) Insert your Auction Request ID. Learn how to get one here
Ebay Campaign ID Insert your Ebay Campaign ID. Learn how to get one here .
Default eBay Target Country Select the country where you have registered your affiliate account.
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
eBay Category Select the eBay Category you want to search in. This feature works only if you add an eBay API key and secret.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
ClickBank Affiliate Settings
Enable ClickBank Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
ClickBank User Name Insert your ClickBank User name. Learn how to get one here.
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
ClickBank Category Select the ClickBank Category you want to search in.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
Commission Junction Affiliate Settings
Enable Commission Junction Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
Commission Junction Personal Access Token Insert your Commission Junction Personal Access Token. You can get one here: here Before you can get one, you have to sign up for their affiliate program, here
Commission Junction Website ID Insert your Website affiliate ID. Get one here click 'Account' -> 'Websites' -> 'Add Website'. For this to work, be sure you disable your 'ADBLOCKING' plugins from your browser, because they will make this page not to work. After you registered your webpage, copy the ID of the website here.
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
GearBest Affiliate Settings
Enable GearBest Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
GearBest APP ID Insert your GearBest Access Key ID. Learn how to get one here For more help, click here
GearBest APP Secret Insert your GearBest Access Key Secret. Learn how to get one here For more help, click here
GearBest DeepLink ID Insert your GearBest Associate ID. Learn how to get one here . After you signed up (and you account was approved - may take 1-2 working days), go to -> your 'Affiliate Account Dashboard' -> 'Ad Center' -> 'Custom Link Generator'. Here you can get a deeplink code. Enter a valid 'GearBest' link in the 'Site/Product/Category Link' field and enter a valid name in the 'Link Name' field. Click 'Create Link'. Copy the number from the end of the URL that resulted, into the 'GearBest DeepLink ID' settings field. For more help, click here
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
GearBest Currency Select the GearBest Currency you want to search in.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Product Images Select if you wish to show product images in generated ads.
Image Width Set the Width of Images.
Image Height Set the Height of Images.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
AliExpress Affiliate Settings
Enable AliExpress Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
EPN API Key Insert your EPN Api Key. Learn how to get one here.
EPN Deeplink Hash Insert your EPN Deeplink Hash. Learn how to get one here.
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Product Images Select if you wish to show product images in generated ads.
Image Width Set the Width of Images.
Image Height Set the Height of Images.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
Envato Affiliate Settings
Enable Envato Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
Envato Authorization Token Get your token HERE Just choose the token name, accept the terms and click 'Create Token' (no additional token rights are required).
Impact Radius Affiliate URL Set your Impact Radius affiliate URL? This will enable also tracking stats from Impact Radius website. Learn how to get it: here
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
Envato Marketplace Select the Envato Marketplace you want to search in.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Product Images Select if you wish to show product images in generated ads.
Image Width Set the Width of Images.
Image Height Set the Height of Images.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
Walmart Affiliate Settings
Enable Walmart Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
Walmart API Key Insert your Walmart API Key. Get one here
Impact Radius Affiliate ID Insert your Impact Radius Affiliate ID. Get one here This is optional, but if you do not enter an affiliate key, you won't earn revenue from product sales generated by your website. For details about how to get this ID, please check this link
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
Walmart Category Select the Walmart Category you want to search in.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Product Images Select if you wish to show product images in generated ads.
Image Width Set the Width of Images.
Image Height Set the Height of Images.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
Etsy Affiliate Settings
Enable Etsy Affiliate Ads Check this checkbox to enable affiliate ads to be shown inside the content of your posts.
Etsy API Keystring Insert your Etsy API Keystring. Learn how to get one here.
Awin Affiliate ID Insert your Awin affiliate ID. Learn how to get one here Also the 'Convert a Link' feature must be enabled from Awin's Affiliate Settings Page, for this feature to work.
Comma Separated List of Search Keywords (Optional) Insert a comma separated list of keywords to use for affiliate product listing searches. If you leave this field blank, the plugin will automatically select keywords from the post title.
ClickBank Category Select the ClickBank Category you want to search in.
Maximum Number of Products to Show Set the maximum number of products to show.
Show Banner Header Select if you wish to show banner header in generated ads.
Banner Header Text Set the banner header text.
Show Product Price Select if you wish to show the product price in generated ads.
Show 'Buy Now' Button Select if you wish to show the 'Buy Now' button in generated ads.
'Buy Now' Button Text Set the 'Buy Now' button text.
Ads Per Row How many ads to show per row?
Ad Position Set the position of the ad.
Page Speed Optimization Settings
Minify and Combine HTML & JavaScript Do you want to enable the minification and JavaScript combining feature?
Minify and Combine CSS Do you want to enable the minification and CSS combining feature?
Remove Query Strings Do you want to remove query strings from static content?
Enable GZIP Compression Do you want to enable GZIP compression (compress text, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML)?
Leverage Browser Caching Do you want to Leverage Browser Caching (set expire caching)?
Login Page Branding Settings
Enable Login Page Styling Do you want to enable the login page styling feature?
Page Background Image Do you want to change the WordPress default login page background image?
Page Background Color Do you want to change the WordPress default login page background color?
Login Page Logo Do you want to change the WordPress default logo on the login page?
Form Background Image Do you want to change the WordPress default login form background image?
Form Background Color Do you want to change the WordPress default login form background color?
Form Text Color Do you want to change the WordPress default login form text color?
Form Button Color Do you want to change the WordPress default login form button color?
Form Button Text Color Do you want to change the WordPress default login form button text color?
Form Button Link Color Do you want to change the WordPress default login form button link color?
Form Button Link Hover Color Do you want to change the WordPress default login form button link hover color?
Admin Bar Branding
Admin Bar Logo Do you want to change the WordPress default admin bar logo for logged in users?
Admin Bar Logo URL Do you want to change the admin bar logo URL?
Hide Admin Bar On Front End Do you want to hide admin bar on front end for logged in users?
Hide Admin Bar Logo Menu Do you want to hide the admin bar logo menu?
Admin Page Branding
Admin Header Image Do you want to add a header image to WordPress admin menu?
Hide "Screen Options" from the Admin Dashboard Do you want to hide 'Screen Options' from the admin dashboard?
Hide "Help" from the Admin Dashboard Do you want to hide 'Help' from the admin dashboard?
Howdy User Message Text Do you want to change the WordPress default 'Howdy' text?
Left Footer Text Do you want to change the WordPress default left footer text? By default it is: Thank you for creating with WordPress
Right Footer Text Do you want to change the WordPress default right footer text? By default it displays the current WordPress version.
Admin Dashboard Header Text Do you want to change the WordPress admin dashboard header text?
Admin Dashboard Intro Text Do you want to change the WordPress admin dashboard intro text?
Remove Welcome Widget From Dashboard Do you want to remove the Welcome widget from the admin dashboard?
Remove All Other Default Dashboard Widgets Do you want to remove all other widgets from the admin dashboard?
Edit Admin Menu Items Do you want to edit the items of the admin dashboard menu?
Database Wipe Settings
Full DataBase Wipe For Selected Tables Database Wipe will completely revert the selected WordPress database tables to the original state they had after the initial installation of WordPress.Beware - all your data from the selected databases will be deleted. If you select to wipe user database, only the admin user will remain after the process is finished.Installed themes and plugins will remain installed but will be deactivated after the wiping process is finished (warning, if you have a required plugin that needs to be kept enabled for your site to function properly, do not use the Database Wipe feature).
To get started, input "WIPE" in the text field from the page Caution! By clicking "Run" button, all data from the selected databases from above will be permanently deleted! It is recommend to do a full database backup before you attempt to make a database wipe, so you can recover your site in case of errors during the wiping process!
Activity and Logging
System Info Some general system information.
Restore Plugin Default Settings Hit this button and the plugin settings will be restored to their default values. Warning! All settings will be lost!
Activity Log This is the main log of your plugin. Here will be listed every single instance of the rules you run or are automatically run by schedule jobs (if you enable logging, in the plugin configuration).
WP Setup Wizard is a simple, yet powerful tool you can set up your new WordPress site, fast but also easy as 1-2-3. The setup and settings of the plugin couldn't have been easier. You can use the "Quick Setup Wizard" interface to speed things up even more. Now, let's go and enjoy the results of this great plugin! Have fun using it!
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this item. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions regarding this plugin and I'll do my best to assist.