Thank you for purchasing our plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via our email. Thanks so much!
Kraken Automatic Post Editor WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool to automatically edit your blog posts. - This plugin is a great tool to automatically edit incomplete or not desired content on your blog with new one.
Our intuitive, easy-to-use system allows you to automatically delete posts older than a date you define.
You can define rules to edit posts based on:
Automatically edit post title, content, excerpt, slug, tags, categories, featured image, author, date, comment/ping status, password, post type, meta and more!
Automatically translate published article's content to any langaguage, using Google Translate
Automatically spin published articles
Add categories/tags from post title/content/excerpt/categories/tags
Random sentence generator/ad code editor and inserter
I also provided a Quick Install Guide to feature an easy plugin installation for everyone.
To make this plugin work, first, you'll need to install the plugin. The easiest method is to take the .zip file you've downloaded and upload it via Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin in the WordPress Dashboard. Once the plugin is installed, be sure to Activate it.
Now that you've installed and activated the plugin, you'll see a new menu item created inside WordPress called 'Kraken Automatic Post Editor'. First thing first, let's head over to Settings > Kraken Automatic Post Editor and take a look at what options are available.
Refreshingly, Kraken Automatic Post Editor has a super-simple settings screen. Let's look at first at the settings panel:
Here you can find the steps needed in configuring your plugin even if you have no HTML knowledge at all. You can find options for:
HINT! Don't forget to click the Save button every time you modified your settings, otherwise the modifications will be lost!
Main Settings:
Kraken Automatic Post Editor Main Switch: Enable or disable the Kraken Automatic Post Editor. This acts like a main switch.
Delay Post Automatic Editing: Do you want to delay (from publish) automatic post editing by this amount of seconds?
Enable Logging: Do you want to enable logging?
Automatically Clear Logs After: Choose if you want to automatically clear logs after a period of time.
Post Title: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's title? You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_title%%, %%post_content%%, %%post_exerpt%%, %%post_id%%, %%post_author%%, %%post_author_id%%, %%post_date%%, %%comment_status%%, %%ping_status%%, %%post_password%%, %%post_slug%%, %%post_type%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%post_content_plain_text%%, %%post_format%%, %%post_categories%%, %%post_tags%%
Post Content: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's title? You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_title%%, %%post_content%%, %%post_exerpt%%, %%post_id%%, %%post_author%%, %%post_author_id%%, %%post_date%%, %%comment_status%%, %%ping_status%%, %%post_password%%, %%post_slug%%, %%post_type%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%post_content_plain_text%%, %%post_format%%, %%post_categories%%, %%post_tags%%
Post Excerpt: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's excerpt? You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_title%%, %%post_content%%, %%post_exerpt%%, %%post_id%%, %%post_author%%, %%post_author_id%%, %%post_date%%, %%comment_status%%, %%ping_status%%, %%post_password%%, %%post_slug%%, %%post_type%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%post_content_plain_text%%, %%post_format%%, %%post_categories%%, %%post_tags%%
Post Author ID: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's author? You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_author_id%%
Post Date: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's date? You can specify a date in natural language. Ex: '+3 weeks' to set the post date in 3 weeks from now. You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_date%%.
Post Comment Status: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's comment status? You can use the following shortcodes: %%comment_status%%%%. Valid values are: open, closed.
Post Ping Status: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's ping status? You can use the following shortcodes: %%ping_status%%%%. Valid values are: open, closed.
Post Password: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's password? You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_title%%, %%post_content%%, %%post_exerpt%%, %%post_id%%, %%post_author%%, %%post_author_id%%, %%post_date%%, %%comment_status%%, %%ping_status%%, %%post_password%%, %%post_slug%%, %%post_type%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%post_content_plain_text%%, %%post_format%%, %%post_categories%%, %%post_tags%%
Post Slug: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's slug? You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_slug%%.
Post Type: Do you want to automatically edit the generated post's slug? You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_type%%. Valid values are: post; page; attachment; revision; nav_menu_item; custom_css; customize_changeset;
Post Custom Fields: Set the custom fields that will be set for generated posts. The syntax for this field is the following: custom_field_name1 => custom_field_value1, custom_field_name2 => custom_field_value2, ... . In custom_field_valueX, you can use shortcodes, same like in post content. Example (without quotes): 'title_custom_field => %%post_title%%'. You can use the following shortcodes: %%post_title%%, %%post_content%%, %%post_exerpt%%, %%post_id%%, %%post_author%%, %%post_author_id%%, %%post_date%%, %%comment_status%%, %%ping_status%%, %%post_password%%, %%post_slug%%, %%post_type%%, %%custom_html%%, %%custom_html2%%, %%random_sentence%%, %%random_sentence2%%, %%post_content_plain_text%%, %%post_format%%, %%post_categories%%, %%post_tags%%
Enable Post Tags Editing: Do you want to enable post tags editing?
Import Post Tags From: Choose from where you wish to import post tags.
List Of Manual Tags: Input a list of comma separated manual tags, to be assigned to all posts.
Maximum Number Of Tags To Add: Select the maximum number of tags to add. If you do not enter a value here, the default value will be used. The default is 3.
Replace Old Tags With New Ones: Do you want to replace old tags with newly generated post tags? If you uncheck this, tags will be appended to existing ones.
Enable Post Featured Image Editing: Do you want to enable post featured image editing?
Default Post Featured Image URL: Choose a default featured image. This will be set only to posts that do not have featured image, unless you select the overwrite option from below. To disable this feature, leave this field blank.
Overwrite Initial Post Featured Image: Choose if you want to set the above featured image for all posts (overwrite old featured image). If you uncheck this checkbox, the above featured image will be set only for posts that do not have already a featured image.
Featured Image Resize Width: Resize the image that was assigned to be the featured image to the width specified in this text field (in pixels). If you want to disable this feature, leave this field blank.
Featured Image Resize Height: Resize the image that was assigned to be the featured image to the height specified in this text field (in pixels). If you want to disable this feature, leave this field blank.
Enable Post Categories Editing: Do you want to enable post categories editing?
Import Post Categories From: Choose from where you wish to import post categories.
Manual Categories: Select a list of manual categories, to be assigned to all posts.
Maximum Number Of Cateogries To Add: Select the maximum number of categories to add. If you do not enter a value here, the default value will be used. The default is 1.
Replace Old Categories With New Ones: Do you want to replace old categories with newly generated post categories? If you uncheck this, categories will be appended to existing ones.
Strip Links From Post Content: Do you want to strip links from post content?
Strip Images From Post Content: Do you want to strip images from post content?
Strip HTML From Post Content: Do you want to strip HTML from post content?
Disable Activation on 'Posts': Do you want to disable automatic editing of 'posts'?
Disable Activation on 'Pages': Do you want to disable automatic editing of 'pages'?
Disable Activation on 'Custom Post Types': Do you want to disable automatic editing of 'custom post types'?
Disable Activation on Selected Categories: Do you want to disable plugin activation on selected categories?
Disable Activation on Selected Tags: Input the tags for which you don't want to automatically edit the posts. To disable this feature, leave this field blank.
Automatically Translate Content To: Do you want to automatically translate generated content using Google Translate?
Source Articles Language: If you use the above translate feature and want to translate not english articles to other languages, please select their original language here.
Hide Google Translate Popup: Do you want to hide the Google Translate Popup that shows when hovering on the resulting translated text, containing the original text before translation?
Spin Text Using Word Synonyms: Do you want to randomize text by changing words of a text with synonyms using one of the listed methods? Note that this is an experimental feature and can in some instances drastically increase the rule running time!
Do Not Spin The Title: Choose if you don't want to spin the article title.
Do Not Spin These Words: Input the words that you do not want to be spinned. You can input more words, separated by commas. Ex: dog, cat, cow
Premium Spinner Service User Name: Insert your user name on the selected primium spinner service.
Premium Spinner Service Password: Insert your user password on the selected primium spinner service.
'The Best Spinner' Protected Terms: Insert your words, sepparated by comma, that you not want to be spinned.
First List of Possible Sentences (%%random_sentence%%): Insert some sentences from which you want to get one at random. You can also use variables defined below. %something ==> is a variable. Each sentence must be sepparated by a new line.
Second List of Possible Sentences (%%random_sentence2%%): Insert some sentences from which you want to get one at random. You can also use variables defined below. %something ==> is a variable. Each sentence must be sepparated by a new line.
List of Possible Variables: Insert some variables you wish to be exchanged for different instances of one sentence. Please format this list as follows: Variablename => Variables (seperated by semicolon) xample: adjective => clever;interesting;smart;huge;astonishing;unbelievable;nice;adorable;beautiful;elegant;fancy;glamorous;magnificent;helpful;awesome
Custom HTML Code #1: Insert a custom HTML code that will replace the %%custom_html%% variable. This can be anything, even an Ad code.
Custom HTML Code #2: Insert a custom HTML code that will replace the %%custom_html2%% variable. This can be anything, even an Ad code.
Activity and Loggind Screen:
Restore Plugin Default Settings: Hit this button and the plugin settings will be restored to their default values. Warning! All settings will be lost!
Activity Log: This is the main log of your plugin. Here will be listed every single instance of the rules you run or are automatically run by schedule jobs (if you enable logging, in the plugin configuration).
You can use the following shortcodes to edit posts:
%%post_title%% - original title of the post,
%%post_content%% - original content of the post,
%%post_exerpt%% - original excerpt of the post,
%%post_id%% - original post id of the post,
%%post_author%% - original author name the post,
%%post_author_id%% - original author id of the post,
%%post_date%% - original post date of the post,
%%comment_status%% - original comment status of the post,
%%ping_status%% - original ping status of the post,
%%post_password%% - original post password of the post,
%%post_slug%% - original post slug of the post,
%%post_type%% - original post type of the post,
%%custom_html%% - custom html1
%%custom_html2%% - custom html2
%%random_sentence%% - random sentence1
%%random_sentence2%% - random sentence2
%%post_content_plain_text%% - original content of post, without html content (plain text)
%%post_format%% - original post format
%%post_categories%% - list of original post categories
%%post_tags%% - list of original post tags
Kraken Automatic Post Editor is a simple, yet powerful tool you can use to create an autoblog with ease. The setup and settings of the plugin couldn't have been easier. Now, let's go and enjoy the results of this great plugin! Have fun using it!
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this item. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions regarding this plugin and I'll do my best to assist.