“COVID-19 Coronavirus - Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools Free Version” Help by CodeRevolution
“COVID-19 Coronavirus - Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools Free Version Help”
Table of Contents
- About the plugin
- WordPress installation
- Plugin Settings
- Summary
- Sources and Credits
WordPress installation - top
I also provided a Quick Install Guide to feature an easy plugin installation for everyone.
To make this plugin work, first, you'll need to install the plugin. The easiest method is to take the .zip file you've downloaded and upload it via Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin in the WordPress Dashboard. Once the plugin is installed, be sure to Activate it.
Now that you've installed and activated the plugin, you'll see a new menu item created inside WordPress called 'COVID-19 Coronavirus - Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools'. First thing first, let's head over to Settings > COVID-19 Coronavirus - Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools and take a look at what options are available.
Plugin Settings - top
Refreshingly, COVID-19 Coronavirus - Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools has a super-simple settings screen. Let's look at first at the settings panel:
Main Settings:
- Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools - Main Switch: Enable or disable this plugin. This acts like a main switch.
Here you can find the steps needed in configuring your plugin even if you have no HTML knowledge at all.
HINT! Don't forget to click the Save button every time you modified your settings, otherwise the modifications will be lost!
Available shortcode (also with Gutenberg block alternatives):
Used to display a table of estimated spreading of a viral pandemic. You can use the following shortcode parameters:
'starting_population' => The population to start the ecuation with. Default:'7727439400'
'unkillable_elite_in_bunkers' => The population that will not die. Default:'50000'
'start_date' => The date when the pandemic starts. Default:'01-01-2020'
'initial_infections' => The count of the initially infected people. Default:'2'
'infection_rate' => The rate of infection - how many newly infected people each infected will generate. Default:'2.45'
'incubation_days' => The incubation period of the disease (in days). Default:'10'
'mortality_rate' => The mortality rate of the disease (in percentage). Default:'3'
'mortality_complicator' => The mortality complicator of the disease (in percentage). This kicks in when many new infected are being generated in a short period of time (no more free space in hospitals). Default:'10'
'burnout_rate' => The rate after which the disease will be stopped (cured or self contained) - (in percentage). Default:'4'
'iteration_count' => The number of iterations to display. Default:'50'
'date_format' => The format of the date. Default:'Y-m-d'
'header_texts' => A comma separated list of header texts for the table. Default:'Date,Day,New Infected,Total Infected,New Deaths,Total Deaths'
'thousands_sep' => The 'thousand' separator for numbers. Default:','
Used to display a chart to display and compare values for estimated new infected cases and new deaths for a time period, of a viral pandemic. You can use the following shortcode parameters:
'starting_population' => The population to start the ecuation with. Default:'7727439400'
'unkillable_elite_in_bunkers' => The population that will not die. Default:'50000'
'start_date' => The date when the pandemic starts. Default:'01-01-2020'
'initial_infections' => The count of the initially infected people. Default:'2'
'infection_rate' => The rate of infection - how many newly infected people each infected will generate. Default:'2.45'
'incubation_days' => The incubation period of the disease (in days). Default:'10'
'mortality_rate' => The mortality rate of the disease (in percentage). Default:'3'
'mortality_complicator' => The mortality complicator of the disease (in percentage). This kicks in when many new infected are being generated in a short period of time (no more free space in hospitals). Default:'10'
'burnout_rate' => The rate after which the disease will be stopped (cured or self contained) - (in percentage). Default:'4'
'iteration_count' => The number of iterations to display. Default:'50'
'date_format' => The format of the date. Default:'Y-m-d'
'align' => The alignment of the graph. Default:'alignright'
'margin' => The margin size of the graph. Default:'5px 20px'
'datalabels' => A comma separated list of labels for the top of the graph. Default:'New Infected, New Deaths'
'canvaswidth' => The width of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'canvasheight' => The height of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'width' => The width of the graph. Default:'100%'
'height' => The height of the graph. Default:'auto'
'relativewidth' => Enable relative width. Default:'1'
'classn' => Additional class for the graph. Default:''
'colors' => A comma separated list of colors for graph elements. Default:'#69D2E7,#a0a48C,#F38630,#96CE7F,#CEBC17,#CE4264'
'fillopacity' => The opacity of the color filling of graph elements. Default:'0.7'
'animation' => Enable animations for the graph. Default:'true'
'scalefontsize' => The size of the fonts, scaled. Default:'12'
'scalefontcolor' => The color of the fonts. Default:'#666'
'scaleoverride' => The override for fonts. Default:'false'
'scalesteps' => The steps for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestepwidth' => The step width for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestartvalue' => The step start value for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
Used to display a chart to display and compare values for estimated total infected cases and total deaths for a time period, of a viral pandemic. You can use the following shortcode parameters:
'starting_population' => The population to start the ecuation with. Default:'7727439400'
'unkillable_elite_in_bunkers' => The population that will not die. Default:'50000'
'start_date' => The date when the pandemic starts. Default:'01-01-2020'
'initial_infections' => The count of the initially infected people. Default:'2'
'infection_rate' => The rate of infection - how many newly infected people each infected will generate. Default:'2.45'
'incubation_days' => The incubation period of the disease (in days). Default:'10'
'mortality_rate' => The mortality rate of the disease (in percentage). Default:'3'
'mortality_complicator' => The mortality complicator of the disease (in percentage). This kicks in when many new infected are being generated in a short period of time (no more free space in hospitals). Default:'10'
'burnout_rate' => The rate after which the disease will be stopped (cured or self contained) - (in percentage). Default:'4'
'iteration_count' => The number of iterations to display. Default:'50'
'date_format' => The format of the date. Default:'Y-m-d'
'align' => The alignment of the graph. Default:'alignright'
'margin' => The margin size of the graph. Default:'5px 20px'
'datalabels' => A comma separated list of labels for the top of the graph. Default:'Total Infected, Total Deaths'
'canvaswidth' => The width of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'canvasheight' => The height of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'width' => The width of the graph. Default:'100%'
'height' => The height of the graph. Default:'auto'
'relativewidth' => Enable relative width. Default:'1'
'classn' => Additional class for the graph. Default:''
'colors' => A comma separated list of colors for graph elements. Default:'#69D2E7,#a0a48C,#F38630,#96CE7F,#CEBC17,#CE4264'
'fillopacity' => The opacity of the color filling of graph elements. Default:'0.7'
'animation' => Enable animations for the graph. Default:'true'
'scalefontsize' => The size of the fonts, scaled. Default:'12'
'scalefontcolor' => The color of the fonts. Default:'#666'
'scaleoverride' => The override for fonts. Default:'false'
'scalesteps' => The steps for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestepwidth' => The step width for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestartvalue' => The step start value for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
Used to display a chart to display the amount of population decline, for a time period, in case of a viral pandemic. You can use the following shortcode parameters:
'starting_population' => The population to start the ecuation with. Default:'7727439400'
'unkillable_elite_in_bunkers' => The population that will not die. Default:'50000'
'start_date' => The date when the pandemic starts. Default:'01-01-2020'
'initial_infections' => The count of the initially infected people. Default:'2'
'infection_rate' => The rate of infection - how many newly infected people each infected will generate. Default:'2.45'
'incubation_days' => The incubation period of the disease (in days). Default:'10'
'mortality_rate' => The mortality rate of the disease (in percentage). Default:'3'
'mortality_complicator' => The mortality complicator of the disease (in percentage). This kicks in when many new infected are being generated in a short period of time (no more free space in hospitals). Default:'10'
'burnout_rate' => The rate after which the disease will be stopped (cured or self contained) - (in percentage). Default:'4'
'iteration_count' => The number of iterations to display. Default:'50'
'date_format' => The format of the date. Default:'Y-m-d'
'align' => The alignment of the graph. Default:'alignright'
'margin' => The margin size of the graph. Default:'5px 20px'
'datalabels' => A comma separated list of labels for the top of the graph. Default:'Population Decline'
'canvaswidth' => The width of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'canvasheight' => The height of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'width' => The width of the graph. Default:'100%'
'height' => The height of the graph. Default:'auto'
'relativewidth' => Enable relative width. Default:'1'
'classn' => Additional class for the graph. Default:''
'colors' => A comma separated list of colors for graph elements. Default:'#69D2E7,#a0a48C,#F38630,#96CE7F,#CEBC17,#CE4264'
'fillopacity' => The opacity of the color filling of graph elements. Default:'0.7'
'animation' => Enable animations for the graph. Default:'true'
'scalefontsize' => The size of the fonts, scaled. Default:'12'
'scalefontcolor' => The color of the fonts. Default:'#666'
'scaleoverride' => The override for fonts. Default:'false'
'scalesteps' => The steps for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestepwidth' => The step width for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestartvalue' => The step start value for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
Used to display a chart to display the amount of total deaths count, for a time period, in case of a viral pandemic. You can use the following shortcode parameters:
'starting_population' => The population to start the ecuation with. Default:'7727439400'
'unkillable_elite_in_bunkers' => The population that will not die. Default:'50000'
'start_date' => The date when the pandemic starts. Default:'01-01-2020'
'initial_infections' => The count of the initially infected people. Default:'2'
'infection_rate' => The rate of infection - how many newly infected people each infected will generate. Default:'2.45'
'incubation_days' => The incubation period of the disease (in days). Default:'10'
'mortality_rate' => The mortality rate of the disease (in percentage). Default:'3'
'mortality_complicator' => The mortality complicator of the disease (in percentage). This kicks in when many new infected are being generated in a short period of time (no more free space in hospitals). Default:'10'
'burnout_rate' => The rate after which the disease will be stopped (cured or self contained) - (in percentage). Default:'4'
'iteration_count' => The number of iterations to display. Default:'50'
'date_format' => The format of the date. Default:'Y-m-d'
'align' => The alignment of the graph. Default:'alignright'
'margin' => The margin size of the graph. Default:'5px 20px'
'datalabels' => A comma separated list of labels for the top of the graph. Default:'Total Deaths'
'canvaswidth' => The width of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'canvasheight' => The height of the canvas of the graph. Default:'625'
'width' => The width of the graph. Default:'100%'
'height' => The height of the graph. Default:'auto'
'relativewidth' => Enable relative width. Default:'1'
'classn' => Additional class for the graph. Default:''
'colors' => A comma separated list of colors for graph elements. Default:'#69D2E7,#a0a48C,#F38630,#96CE7F,#CEBC17,#CE4264'
'fillopacity' => The opacity of the color filling of graph elements. Default:'0.7'
'animation' => Enable animations for the graph. Default:'true'
'scalefontsize' => The size of the fonts, scaled. Default:'12'
'scalefontcolor' => The color of the fonts. Default:'#666'
'scaleoverride' => The override for fonts. Default:'false'
'scalesteps' => The steps for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestepwidth' => The step width for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
'scalestartvalue' => The step start value for fonts (advanced). Default:'null'
Do you want to get more features from this plugin? Check it's full version! - top
Please check also the full version of this plugin, here: COVID-19 Coronavirus - Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools WordPress Plugin
Features included in the [full version of the plugin](//1.envato.market/covid19 "full version of the plugin"):
* Embed Official Pandemic Tracking Dashboard from Johns Hopkins Institute
* Embed Official Pandemic Tracking Dashboard from WHO
* Allow your web site's visitors to enter their own data to simulate the outcome of pandemics
* Pandemic summary charts and tables
* Sample past outbreaks data, to use in the plugin (SARS-CoV-2, MERS, SARS, Spanish Flu, Common Flu)
* Detailed documentation, with parameter explanations
* New updates and features added regularly
* Premium support
* And many more cool features!
Check also the
full version's documentation and
video tutorial.
Summary - top
COVID-19 Coronavirus - Viral Pandemic Prediction Tools is a simple, yet powerful tool you can use to predict the outcome of a pandemic that might occcur now or in the future. The setup and settings of the plugin couldn't have been easier. Now, let's go and enjoy the results of this great plugin! Have fun using it!
Sources and Credits - top
This component was made by Szabi CodeRevolution, for more information and support contact us at support@coderevolution.ro
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this item. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions regarding this plugin and I'll do my best to assist.