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How To Write Magnificent Articles For Content Marketing In 5 Steps


How To Write Magnificent Articles For Content Marketing In 5 Steps

A decent piece of content can be made when the writer has a solid topic, enough knowledge on the subject and audience, and a small amount of writing skill. The problem with this formula is that you don’t want your writing to be good – you want it to be great. Paying attention to all the tiny details within your writing can help you to create a magnificent piece of copy that you can be proud of.

The following five tips are important for every writer who is looking to elevate their writing ability above and beyond the competition. Whether you are writing a video script, ad copy for paid search management, or looking to improve the onsite content on your website, these tips will help you create a great piece of content.

1. Write How You Feel, Then Edit

Your writing should portray how you feel about the subject. In order to persuade your readers to your point of view, you must first build trust with them. If your writing sounds like a boring edition of the encyclopedia, it’s going to be difficult to build trust with your readers. Combine your education about the subject with the trust you’ve built, and your readers will quickly understand your point of view.

When you start your writing piece, it’s better to include too much personality that can be edited out later, rather than trying to include more personality later on. A writer should feel passionate about a topic, and simply put that passion into words in order to provide a valuable reading experience for the reader. Don’t be self-conscious about your writing; simply tell your story.

2. Take A Break

Once you have finished your masterpiece, you shouldn’t send it off right away. Any writing piece can be improved if you give yourself the chance to sleep on the material and work on it more in the morning. When you give yourself a break in between writing and editing, it quickly becomes obvious how you can improve even your best pieces of material. Any changes made at this point will only increase the quality of your piece.

3. Have Someone Else Read It Out Loud

Reading your work aloud gives you the chance to pick up on problems with the flow that you may not have noticed when you were writing it. Having someone else read it aloud makes it better because they don’t know the topic or the writing, and aren’t prepared for any turns you make in the writing. This is a technique that is often used when an individual is learning to write, but can also be utilized by current writers to improve any piece of material that is written.

4. Perform The Breath Test

Putting too many words into one sentence may not seem like a serious problem, but if you have a hard time reading the sentence out loud, it’s probably time to trim back. Only put one idea into each sentence, and avoid adding extraneous words to your sentences. Any ideas you have should be expressed in a succinct way.

Research shows that after twenty words in one sentence, 10% of your readers will fall. You can determine if your sentences are too long by reading them aloud. If you have to pause in the middle of the sentence, then it’s probably too long. At this point, you can either cut the sentence into two different parts, or simply cut out some of the fat in the sentence.

5. Rewrite Passive Voice

Although many writers shy away at the term “passive voice”, it’s a fairly easy problem to spot, and should be fixed in any piece of writing. In order to spot passive voice in your writing, think of the action. If someone is doing something, then the voice should be active. If someone did something, then the passive voice is appropriate.

The problem with passive sentences is that they feel lifeless to the reader, while active sentences offer energy and feel tighter to the reader. Although at times it is necessary to use passive voice in your writing, the best writers keep it to a minimum, and do much of their writing in active voice.

To Sum It Up…

Whether you are just starting a hopeful online writing career, or have written for years and are looking for ways to improve your writing pieces, these simple tips can ensure that you are creating the best work you’ve got. With more personality, a little bit of time, the help of a friend, and a little bit of editing, every writer can improve a piece of material that was already good to begin with.

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  1. Sumit Dhangar

    04/09/2019 at 09:36

    Good Post

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